Just recieved Spark - No Flashing lights

Just recieved the spark, plugged into USB, No USB driver messages or USB recognition.
Small blue LED is ON but no flashing LED.
Tried Holding down MODE and tap release RST but no changes.
Have tried holding down longer/power reset etc but no change.

Can anyone help?

Hi MagicTech,

If indeed it’s not doing a factory reset, and powering it via a different usb cable or source doesn’t help, then it sounds like that core didn’t get programmed at the factory. That’s something we can guide you through if you have a programming shield and an st-link programmer, but it’s a bit of a pain. I’m guessing the best bet would be to have you send that one back and we’ll send you a replacement as soon as possible. Can you email us at hello@spark.io with your address and phone # and we can get that process started?


Thanks David
I seem to be in the same position as https://community.spark.io/t/spark-core-not-responding-only-small-blue-led-is-on/824

There is 3.3V on the power pins so the USB power seems OK.
I only have an AVRISP-MK2 programmer. If youre willing to send me the programming shield I will buy an ST-Link programmer.
Otherwise I guess we will have to do a return.


Hi @MagicTech,

We might have one or two extra programmer shields (that we didn’t sell for small cosmetic reasons) so I could probably send you one of those instead, I’d have to check. :slight_smile: That would probably be less of a wait, and I’m guessing we could get one in the mail by Monday if that works.


That will be fine.
Let me know.
What email can I use as the hello@spark.io seems unresponsive.

Hi @MagicTech,

That email goes to all of us, and we check it as often as we can. Looks like you emailed us at 5:16pm Friday (today), and haven’t emailed since this thread, so they were probably waiting to see how it turned out. I’ll follow up with you there. :smile:


So After 2 months I still do not have a working unit. I have done everything as instructed. I have reloaded the firmware using DFU-Util. I have relfashed using the CC3000 Patch.
One thing I dont know is why I needed a ST-Link? I didnt see a use for it in reloading the firmware?
Please advise.
So the Core is now doing most of what it is supposed to but I cannot connect to it.
I have tried factory reset etc.
It will flash Blue, When i try to connect via spark app it will turn solid blue for a few seconds and no connection, eventually it flashes green.
I have tried to connect via USB and have entered the correct SSID and password, still does not connect.
I have tried a different network and still no luck.
I there anything I missed when uploading firmware? as I said I never used the st-link as I didnt know what it was for.


Hi @MagicTech,

It looks like we offered to send a replacement, but you wanted a programmer shield instead? The programmer shield allows you to connect a st-link programmer, so you can load the bootloader onto the core. If your core is starting up and the main RGB led is lit up, then you probably don’t need to reload the bootloader.

The first thing I would ask is do you have a u.fl core, or a chip antenna core? You won’t be able to connect without some kind of antenna. http://docs.spark.io/#/hardware/spark-core-datasheet-types-of-cores


I have helped a few new users get going and would love to extend help to you as well :slight_smile:

Your core seems fine and getting connected to Wifi seems like the part we need to tackle.

Let’s get it to :spark: !

Hi David.
I have the chip antenna

Hi Kenneth.
Any help is appreciated

Let’s get started then.

So what’s the model of your router and the channel number as well as security type (wep wpa wpa2)?

Flashing green means it’s trying to connect to wifi. If you can login to your router, try looking for a device with mac address:

08002801 at the beginning

I am using the Apple Time Capsule 2GB
Channel4 WPA2Personal

I also tried on another router which was only WEP

Can we try a WPA network if possible and without any special characters in the ssid and password. Just alphanumeric

You might also have better luck with 1, 6, or 11 which tend to have better isolation than the intermediate channels. :slight_smile:

Thanks Dave
Kenneth tried to help and we went through everything, changing routers, Wep only mode, changing channels, power supplies etc
As a last ditch, can i get a replacement?

Hi @MagicTech,

Definitely, I think that makes sense, send me your shipping address and phone number and I’ll get that process started. :smile: – My email address is david@spark.io


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@dave it would be nice for you guys to have the original back to your US office should the new core shipped works fine.

Gonna be a good learning tool to know what’s the issue :slight_smile:

Hi @kennethlimcp,

Yup! Usually we will include a return envelope for replacement cores so that we can do an exchange and review / repair any malfunctioning core. :slight_smile:


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