[ISSUE] Particle web IDE throwing internal exception when attempting to compile project

The web IDE has started throwing errors when attempting to compile or flash code. I am unable to push OTA updates to devices as a result.

Specifically, I’m seeing the following response from the https://api.particle.io/v1/apps/{app ID}/binaries endpoint through the chrome developer console: {"ok":false,"code":200,"output":"Compiler timed out or encountered an error","errors":[]}. This is being called from Particle Web IDE.

This is occurring across all projects. Clearing the Particle cache and logging out and then back in have had no effect.

I started having issues with the web IDE today as well, across multiple devices, projects, browsers, and computers. Clearing the cache and logging out had no effect for me either.

Could you try it again? There was a problem with the compile service which was fixed around 9 PM PDT on Tuesday.

Everything seems to work now. Thanks for the quick response!

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