IFTTT and webhook configuration returning an error

I had created a webhook integration using IFTT as per the instructions provided in the particle docs. However, the trigger is getting fired but the integration with particle is returning an error. Here is the. message i see on the IFTTT recipe.

"Your server returned a 400. Unable to make web request to https://api.particle.io/v1/devices/event"

What could be the reason for this?

The API endpoint is https://api.particle.io/v1/devices/events. Note that events is plural.

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Thanks .. sorry, that was a cut and paste error from IFTTT. added the screenshot with the exact error message.

What does your IFTTT body configuration look like?

A 400 error is returned for:

  • Missing event name (name in the JSON body)
  • Event name starts with spark or particle
  • The event data exists but is not a string
  • The event data is too long

Thanks ... here are the details I have filled in the recipe. (hidden the Authorization code).

The body isn't right. Start with this, from the tutorial:

  • Replace generatedEvent with the name of the event to publish. I'd guess above80.
  • Replace somedata with event data, if you need data.
  • Don't change the strings name or data - those strings must match exactly, It's the missing name that's causing your 400 error.

Got it. Really appreciate the help!

Its working now! thanks a ton.


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