March 25, 2019, 11:31am
Hey there and welcome to the community!
As you'll find in the topics below:
Okay. You brought new computer, forgot to save on IDE cloud drive, or maybe accidentally format the HD. Is there a way to reverse it?
So I accidentally deleted my app on the spark core builder. The code I want is still flashed to the core. I don’t suppose that I can download my code from the core or maybe restore my app in some other way? thanks
I deleted my app in the web IDE at some point. It’s flashed to my Photon and I need to make a edit. Is there some way to retrieve it? I wish we had a testing and a production area or folder on the web IDE to prevent this, or a way to retrieve previous code.
I used particle Dev for my projects, and now my SSD crashed - is there any way of retrieving the projects - are they sync’ed to the online web IDE in some way?
Is there maybe a way to retrieve the code currently running on my photon?
I hope someone is able to help
There's really no way to get your code off the device again after it's been compiled into a .bin file. You can extract the .bin, and flash that to other devices, but you won't be able to see the code.