How to Connect to Login Wifi (Captive Portal)

I am trying to connect my photon to my companies wifi, however, the wifi requires a username and password login. I do not see the function to set up the photon on the setup page, so I am unsure how to set it up to this type of wifi. Thank you.

@BrainWash, the photon dosen’t support this type of wifi connection.

This is what you call a captive portal and there are numerous threads and the docs also state
for enterprise networks

However, I have been using some Photons in such an environment by getting the respective MAC addresses whitelisted to connect without getting redirected to the captive portal.

I wanted to follow up to this post. I use Argons in my class and many of my students live apartments that have these captive portals. Unfortunately, whitelist their MAC addresses is not a feasible option.

For Windows (at least >Win10) users, they can create a hotspot with their laptops which generally works because Windows 10 supports using a single wifi adapter to both connect to wifi and create a hotspot.

For Mac users, the hotspot trick required a second adapter, which was easy enough to supply them. However, finding a Mac OS compatible wifi adapter has proven challenging (for later versions). I’ve also tried having students use their phones as hotspots, but that 1) uses lots of cell data, and 2) seems to be buggy with Argon.

My question is: Are there any other solutions anyone can share? Since we are continuing with remote classes for a time, it is really important students be able to connect to wifi / Particle cloud from their apartments.
