I want to learn how to draw some bitmap images that I put in an 'images.h' file
(the end goal is to send the image to the particle via a trigger but for now I'm just trying to learn the GxEPD2_PP syntax)
So far I have added this 'images.h'
#if defined(ESP8266) || defined(ESP32)
#include <pgmspace.h>
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
const unsigned char gImage_youTubeImage[11400] PROGMEM= { /* 0X00,0X01,0X2C,0X01,0X2C,0X01, */
and written the following
#include <GxEPD2_PP.h>
#include <Adafruit_GFX_RK.h>
#define ENABLE_GxEPD2_GFX 0
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <Adafruit_GFX.h>
#include <FreeMonoBold9pt7b.h>
#include <GxEPD2_BW.h>
#include <GxEPD2_3C.h>
#if defined(PARTICLE)
GxEPD2_3C<GxEPD2_750c, GxEPD2_750c::HEIGHT / 4 > display(GxEPD2_750c(/*CS=D5*/ SS, /*DC=*/ A1, /*RST=*/ A0, /*BUSY=*/ D4));
#include "images.h"
void setup()
display.drawImage(gImage_youTubeImage, 0, 0, 300, 300, false, false, true);
void loop()
But it just throws this error at me:
call of overloaded 'drawImage(const unsigned char [11400], int, int, int, int, int, int, int)' is ambiguous
G6EJD answered to me
Your image is a not an integer result, so 300 wide / 8 then x 300 deep = 11250 bytes that first conversion to bytes = 37.5, try changing that to an integer result. Why are you using 11400?
Perhaps try a small image first so you can see what the image format is.
The image comes from a tutorial made by Kevin Darrah - so have no idea why it is 11400 and not 11250. My plan is to convert images via jimp (JavaScript Image Manipulation Program), but I haven't got this far yet. So just grabbed what I could find.
He said he had to do some modification of the lib in order to make it work with his trigBoard
He has uploaded the modified version here EPaperBoard - Kevin Darrah Wiki
(link in the bottom of the page)
He uses a method called .drawBitmap and not .drawImage - guessing that his method .drawBitmap do some preprocessing before calling .drawImage
I'm a little uncertain about what I should do in order to print my own image onto the screen?