Github copilot for Particle?

I had my attention drawn to the recent announcement of GitHub Copilot : an AI Pair Programmer for VS Code/Visual Studio built using OpenAI’s GPT-3 Model.

Any thoughts from the team at Particle about whether Workbench could be upgraded with this? All the knowledge of the community in a programming assistant?

github copilot looks promising!
If I got it right, it would be an extension that we can add to our VS Code, so we can theoretically install it (the extension is now in Technical Preview) and use it.
It would need to support C/C++, which I would tend to think it will, but I could not find the list of supported languages. Let me know if you do.

Correct - a bit like code snippets with much more details filled in.
There has been some controversy about the machine learning sampling both private and public repos and thereby exposing some proprietary code as well as API keys! Copilot works well with languages such as Python, TypeScript, Javascript, Ruby, and Go, clearly these are the most ‘learned’ languages for the technical preview - haven’t seen C/C++ in the list but I assume it is supported, maybe just not as well as Python.

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