Thanks for the replies, I should have probably explained, these are new Electrons fresh out of the box with no added components and without any custom firmware (apart for the one downloaded for 3rd party sim).
When I did a carrier report:
starting carrier report…
An unactivated or deactivated SIM card - works in phone
No cellular signal - good signal in phone in same location
No supported carrier - works in phone
Unsupported modem model (2G in Australia, for example) - using a 3G version Europe so should be good
Unsupported frequencies (U260 in Europe, for example) - using a model U270 in Europe so should be good
Which means it must be a defective antenna or Electron. So opened another brand new Electron, swapped the antenna… same problem. Inserted SIM into new Electron… works without any configuration! Then I uploaded your firmware but still gives similar output to above (though works fine when the firmware runs the normal tests).
What could be wrong with the first Electron? A faulty ufl connector maybe? It looks ok to me.
Is there any way to fix this?