Flashing cc3000 to an Electron is a bad idea, since that is the firmware for the TI WiFi chip that's only used on the Spark Core.
I'd also assume that your original incorrect platform ID was actually incorrect (I guess it was 0 - which is Core - and not 10 - which would be the Electron), maybe because you didn't target an Electron when you built the binary.
And usually npm install -g particle-cli
happens before the other two commands, since that would "install" the particle command, but you already had that installed.
The only useful command in that respect would have been npm update -g particle-cli
which you would also do before using particle
To install CLI properly again you might want to look here
Maybe you try the firmware updater
or try the long way outlined here
It's no good just hacking away when you don't quite know what you're doing