Electron stuck breathing white

I have a particle electron that is not connecting.

It sat unused for over a year. It would not reconnect though I have been paying for the service this entire time.

At first it was fast flashing cyan.

To fix, I tried using the CLI to update using “particle update”.

Then I tried particle doctor.

Now it boots and immediately goes to a breathing white, so I assume the cellular is not active.

In the console, I tried deactivating, then reactivating the sim.

Still, it breaths white.


Update, after another “particle doctor” session, it seems it am now fast flashing cyan again.

So i assume the electron is communicating to the cellular network but there is a key or connectivity error to the particle cloud. The console does not see it.

Still fast flashing cyan, no connectivity

ID: XXX050000951343334363XXX
Name: McElectron
System Firmware: 0.4.8
ICCID: XXX4076500002618XXX
Last Handshake: May 3rd 2016, 12:36 am

I have Xd out the first and last three characters. You can see the console hasn’t seen it since may 2016

Obviously the update didn't get through then.
What version CLI did you use?
Maybe downloading the system binaries and flashing manually via USB can help.

Also when particle doctor can't cure the keys issue you can try these steps

particle keys server
particle keys doctor <deviceID>

The last time the cloud saw the electron was may 2016 and the version 0.4.8 at that time.
I can put the electron in setup mode, and do particle identify. 0.6.4 is on it at this time.

I tried particle keys server
and particle keys doctor

I am getting a fast cyan blink and the cloud is not seeing it.

You can try this debugging firmware and post the output of that. Maybe there is something that we can see.
You can also open a support ticket at https://support.paticle.io

Serial monitor opened successfully:
    84.160 AT read ERR   9 "\r\nERROR\r\n"
    84.161 AT send      56 "AT+UDNSRN=0,\"3d0050000951343334363138.udp.particle.io\"\r\n"
    84.162 AT read  +   14 "\r\n+CIEV: 2,0\r\n"
    84.172 AT read  +   14 "\r\n+CIEV: 2,1\r\n"
0000114173 [system] ERROR: Cloud: unable to resolve IP for 3d0050000951343334363138.udp.particle.io
0000114173 [system] ERROR: 00On first socketSocket use, free all open sockets
   114.175 AT send      15 "AT+USOCTL=0,1\r\n"
   124.185 AT send      15 "AT+USOCTL=1,1\r\n"
   134.195 AT send      15 "AT+USOCTL=2,1\r\n"
   144.205 AT send      15 "AT+USOCTL=3,1\r\n"
   145.785 AT read ERR   9 "\r\nERROR\r\n"
   145.785 AT send      15 "AT+USOCTL=4,1\r\n"
   145.795 AT read  +   35 "\r\n+UUPING: 1,32,\"\",\"\",0,-1\r\n"
   145.805 AT read  +   35 "\r\n+UUPING: 2,32,\"\",\"\",0,-1\r\n"
   145.815 AT read  +   35 "\r\n+UUPING: 3,32,\"\",\"\",0,-1\r\n"
   145.825 AT read  +   35 "\r\n+UUPING: 4,32,\"\",\"\",0,-1\r\n"
   145.835 AT read  +   14 "\r\n+CIEV: 2,0\r\n"
   145.845 AT read  +   14 "\r\n+CIEV: 2,1\r\n"
   145.855 AT read  +   14 "\r\n+CIEV: 2,0\r\n"
   145.865 AT read  +   14 "\r\n+CIEV: 2,1\r\n"
   145.875 AT read ERR  37 "\r\n+CME ERROR: operation not allowed\r\n"
   145.875 AT send      15 "AT+USOCTL=5,1\r\n"
   145.886 AT read ERR  37 "\r\n+CME ERROR: operation not allowed\r\n"
   145.886 AT send      15 "AT+USOCTL=6,1\r\n"
   145.897 AT read ERR  37 "\r\n+CME ERROR: operation not allowed\r\n"
   145.897 AT send      12 "AT+USOCR=6\r\n"
   145.908 AT read  +   13 "\r\n+USOCR: 0\r\n"
   145.918 AT read OK    6 "\r\nOK\r\n"
Socket 0: handle 0 was created
0000145918 [system] TRACE: socketed testSocket=0
00001   145.919 AT send      25 "AT+USOCO=0,\"\",53\r\n"
0000155929 [system] TRACE: socket_connect()=fail
0000155929 [system] TRACE: Close
   155.929 AT send      12 "AT+USOCL=0\r\n"
   164.470 AT read ERR   9 "\r\nERROR\r\n"
   164.470 AT send       9 "AT+CEER\r\n"
   164.480 AT read  +   59 "\r\n+CEER: \"SM detach\", 0, \"No cause information available\"\r\n"
   164.491 AT read OK    6 "\r\nOK\r\n"
0000164491 [system] WARN: Internet available, Cloud not reachable!
00000000164492 [system] INFO: Cloud: connect0000164493 [system] TRACE: sparkSocket Now =-1
0000164493 [system] INFO: Read Server Address = type:1,domain:$id.udp.particle.i   164.494 AT send      56 "AT+UDNSRN=0,
   194.506 AT send      56 "AT+UDNSRN=0,\"3d0050000951343334363138.udp.particle.io\"\r\n"
   224.518 AT send      56 "AT+UDNSRN=0,\"3d0050000951343334363138.udp.particle.io\"\r\n"
   226.039 AT read ERR   9 "\r\nERROR\r\n"
0000226040 [system] ERROR: Cloud: unable to resolve IP for 3d0050000951343334363138.udp.particle.io
0000226040 [system] ERROR: 0000226041 [system] WARN: Resetting WLAN due to 2 failed connect00002260socketSocket(TCP)
   226.042 AT send      12 "AT+USOCR=6\r\n"
   226.043 AT read  +   14 "\r\n+CIEV: 2,0\r\n"
   226.053 AT read  +   14 "\r\n+CIEV: 2,1\r\n"
   226.063 AT read  +   13 "\r\n+USOCR: 0\r\n"
   226.073 AT read OK    6 "\r\nOK\r\n"
Socket 0: handle 0 was created
0000226073 [system] TRACE: socketed testSocket=0
   226.074 AT send      25 "AT+USOCO=0,\"\",53\r\n"
0000236084 [system] TRACE: socket_connect()=fail
0000236084 [system] TRACE: Close
   236.084 AT send      12 "AT+USOCL=0\r\n"
   244.625 AT read ERR   9 "\r\nERROR\r\n"
   244.625 AT send       9 "AT+CEER\r\n"
   244.635 AT read  +   59 "\r\n+CEER: \"SM detach\", 0, \"No cause information available\"\r\n"
   244.646 AT read OK    6 "\r\nOK\r\n"
0000244646 [system] WARN: Internet available, Cloud not reachable!
00000000244647 [system] WA
[ Modem::disconnect ] = = = = = = = = = = = = =
   244.648 AT send      14 "AT+UPSDA=0,4\r\n"
   245.369 AT read OK    6 "\r\nOK\r\n"

[ Modem::detach ] = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
   245.369 AT send      12 "AT+CGATT=0\r\n"
   245.370 AT read  +   14 "\r\n+UUSOCL: 0\r\n"
Socket -1: handle 0 closed by remote host
   246.040 AT read OK    6 "\r\nOK\r\n"

[ Modem::detach ] = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
   246.040 AT send      12 "AT+CGATT=0\r\n"
   246.041 AT read  +   13 "\r\n+CGREG: 0\r\n"
   246.051 AT read  +   14 "\r\n+CIEV: 9,1\r\n"
CIEV matched: 9,1
   246.061 AT read OK    6 "\r\nOK\r\n"

[ Modem::powerOff ] = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
   246.061 AT send      12 "AT+CPWROFF\r\n"
   248.672 AT read OK    6 "\r\nOK\r\n"

[ Modem::powerOn ] = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
   248.982 AT send       4 "AT\r\n"
   250.302 AT send       4 "AT\r\n"
   251.622 AT send       4 "AT\r\n"
   252.942 AT send       4 "AT\r\n"
   252.952 AT read UNK   3 "AT\r"
   252.962 AT read OK    6 "\r\nOK\r\n"
   253.172 AT send       7 "AT E0\r\n"
   253.182 AT read UNK   6 "AT E0\r"
   253.192 AT read OK    6 "\r\nOK\r\n"
   253.192 AT send      11 "AT+CMEE=2\r\n"
   253.202 AT read OK    6 "\r\nOK\r\n"
   253.202 AT send      19 "AT+CMER=1,0,0,2,1\r\n"
   253.212 AT read OK    6 "\r\nOK\r\n"
   253.212 AT send      15 "AT+IPR=115200\r\n"
   253.222 AT read OK    6 "\r\nOK\r\n"
   253.322 AT send      10 "AT+CPIN?\r\n"
   253.332 AT read ERR  24 "\r\n+CME ERROR: SIM busy\r\n"
   254.342 AT send      10 "AT+CPIN?\r\n"
   254.352 AT read  +   16 "\r\n+CPIN: READY\r\n"
   254.362 AT read OK    6 "\r\nOK\r\n"
0000254362 [system] INFO: Sim Ready
0000254362 [system] INFO: Sim Ready
0000254362 [s
[ Modem::init ] = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
   254.363 AT send       9 "AT+CGSN\r\n"
   254.383 AT read UNK  19 "\r\n353162071212824\r\n"
   254.393 AT read OK    6 "\r\nOK\r\n"
   254.393 AT send       9 "AT+CGMI\r\n"
   254.403 AT read UNK  10 "\r\nu-blox\r\n"
   254.413 AT read OK    6 "\r\nOK\r\n"
   254.413 AT send       9 "AT+CGMM\r\n"
   254.423 AT read UNK  13 "\r\nSARA-U260\r\n"
   254.433 AT read OK    6 "\r\nOK\r\n"
   254.433 AT send       9 "AT+CGMR\r\n"
   254.443 AT read UNK   9 "\r\n23.20\r\n"
   254.453 AT read OK    6 "\r\nOK\r\n"
   254.453 AT send       9 "AT+CCID\r\n"
   254.463 AT read  +   30 "\r\n+CCID: 8934076500002618478\r\n"
   254.473 AT read OK    6 "\r\nOK\r\n"
   254.473 AT send      11 "AT+UPSV=1\r\n"
   254.483 AT read OK    6 "\r\nOK\r\n"
   254.483 AT send      11 "AT+CMGF=1\r\n"
   254.493 AT read OK    6 "\r\nOK\r\n"
   254.493 AT send      13 "AT+CNMI=2,1\r\n"
   254.503 AT read OK    6 "\r\nOK\r\n"
   254.503 AT send       9 "AT+CIMI\r\n"
   254.513 AT read UNK  19 "\r\n214074300552243\r\n"
   254.523 AT read OK    6 "\r\nOK\r\n"

[ Modem::register ] = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
   254.523 AT send      10 "AT+CREG?\r\n"
   254.534 AT read  +   14 "\r\n+CREG: 0,0\r\n"
   254.544 AT read OK    6 "\r\nOK\r\n"
   254.544 AT send      11 "AT+CGREG?\r\n"
   254.554 AT read  +   15 "\r\n+CGREG: 0,0\r\n"
   254.564 AT read OK    6 "\r\nOK\r\n"
   254.564 AT send      12 "AT+CGREG=2\r\n"
   254.574 AT read OK    6 "\r\nOK\r\n"
   254.574 AT send      11 "AT+CREG=2\r\n"
   254.584 AT read OK    6 "\r\nOK\r\n"
   254.584 AT send      10 "AT+CREG?\r\n"
   254.594 AT read  +   14 "\r\n+CREG: 2,0\r\n"
   254.604 AT read OK    6 "\r\nOK\r\n"
   254.604 AT send      11 "AT+CGREG?\r\n"
   254.614 AT read  +   15 "\r\n+CGREG: 2,0\r\n"
   254.624 AT read OK    6 "\r\nOK\r\n"
   269.624 AT send      10 "AT+CREG?\r\n"
   269.624 AT read  +   14 "\r\n+CIEV: 2,2\r\n"
   269.635 AT read  +   31 "\r\n+CREG: 5,\"32AE\",\"CF702A7\",6\r\n"
   269.645 AT read  +   37 "\r\n+CGREG: 5,\"32AE\",\"CF702A7\",6,\"EF\"\r\n"
   269.656 AT read  +   14 "\r\n+CIEV: 3,1\r\n"
   269.666 AT read  +   14 "\r\n+CIEV: 7,1\r\n"
   269.676 AT read  +   14 "\r\n+CIEV: 9,2\r\n"
CIEV matched: 9,2
   269.686 AT read  +   14 "\r\n+CIEV: 2,1\r\n"
   269.696 AT read  +   14 "\r\n+CIEV: 2,2\r\n"
   271.436 AT read  +   33 "\r\n+CREG: 2,5,\"32AE\",\"CF702A7\",6\r\n"
   271.447 AT read OK    6 "\r\nOK\r\n"
   271.447 AT send      11 "AT+CGREG?\r\n"
   271.457 AT read  +   39 "\r\n+CGREG: 2,5,\"32AE\",\"CF702A7\",6,\"EF\"\r\n"
   271.468 AT read OK    6 "\r\nOK\r\n"
   271.468 AT send      10 "AT+COPS?\r\n"
   271.508 AT read  +   23 "\r\n+COPS: 0,0,\"AT&T\",2\r\n"
   271.518 AT read OK    6 "\r\nOK\r\n"
   271.518 AT send       9 "AT+CNUM\r\n"
   271.558 AT read OK    6 "\r\nOK\r\n"
   271.558 AT send       8 "AT+CSQ\r\n"
   271.568 AT read  +   14 "\r\n+CSQ: 10,2\r\n"
   271.578 AT read OK    6 "\r\nOK\r\n"

[ Modem::join ] = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
   271.578 AT send      12 "AT+CGATT=1\r\n"
   271.589 AT read OK    6 "\r\nOK\r\n"
   271.589 AT send      14 "AT+UPSND=0,8\r\n"
   271.599 AT read  +   17 "\r\n+UPSND: 0,8,0\r\n"
   271.609 AT read OK    6 "\r\nOK\r\n"
   271.609 AT send      23 "AT+UPSD=0,7,\"\"\r\n"
   271.620 AT read OK    6 "\r\nOK\r\n"
   271.620 AT send      36 "AT+UPSD=0,1,\"spark.telefonica.com\"\r\n"
   271.631 AT read OK    6 "\r\nOK\r\n"
   271.631 AT send      15 "AT+UPSD=0,6,0\r\n"
   271.641 AT read OK    6 "\r\nOK\r\n"
   271.641 AT send      14 "AT+UPSDA=0,3\r\n"
   273.961 AT read OK    6 "\r\nOK\r\n"
   273.961 AT send      14 "AT+UPSND=0,0\r\n"
   273.971 AT read  +   29 "\r\n+UPSND: 0,0,\"\"\r\n"
   273.981 AT read OK    6 "\r\nOK\r\n"
0000273981 [system] INFO: ARM_WLAN_WD 2
0000273981 [system] INFO: ARM_WLAN_WD 2
000020000273982 [syst0000273982 [system] TRACE: sparkSocket Now =-1
0000273983 [system] INFO: Read Server Address = type:1,domain:$id.udp.particle.io   273.984 AT send      56 "AT+UDNSRN=0
   303.996 AT send      56 "AT+UDNSRN=0,\"3d0050000951343334363138.udp.particle.io\"\r\n"
   334.008 AT send      56 "AT+UDNSRN=0,\"3d0050000951343334363138.udp.particle.io\"\r\n"
   336.579 AT read ERR   9 "\r\nERROR\r\n"
0000336580 [system] ERROR: Cloud: unable to resolve IP for 3d0050000951343334363138.udp.particle.io
0000336580 [system] ERROR: 0000336581 [system] TRACE: Internet test socket
   336.581 AT send      12 "AT+USOCR=6\r\n"
   336.582 AT read  +   14 "\r\n+CIEV: 2,1\r\n"
   336.593 AT read  +   13 "\r\n+USOCR: 0\r\n"
   336.603 AT read OK    6 "\r\nOK\r\n"
Socket 0: handle 0 was created
0000336603 [system] TRACE: socketed testSocket=0
0000336603 [system] TRACE: Connect Attempt
   336.604 AT send      25 "AT+USOCO=0,\"\",53\r\n"
0000346614 [system] TRACE: socket_connect()=fail
0000346614 [system] TRACE: Close
   346.614 AT send      12 "AT+USOCL=0\r\n"
   355.135 AT read ERR   9 "\r\nERROR\r\n"
   355.135 AT send       9 "AT+CEER\r\n"
   355.145 AT read  +   32 "\r\n+CEER: \"No report available\"\r\n"
   355.155 AT read OK    6 "\r\nOK\r\n"
0000355155 [system] WARN: Internet available, Cloud not reachable!
00000000355156 [system] WARN: Handling cloud error: 3
000030000355156 [system] INFO: C0000355157 [system] TRACE: sparkSocket Now =-1
0000355157 [system] INFO: Read Server Address = type:1,domain:$id.udp.particle.io   355.158 AT send      56 "AT+UDNSRN=0
carrier report 
turning cellular on...
looking up operators (this may take up to 3 minutes)...
0000046121 [app] INFO: cellular response type=TYPE_UNKNOWN len=72
0000046122 [app] INFO: \r\n
0000046122 [app] INFO: MCC:310, 0000052993 [app] INFO: cellular response type=TY
0000052994 [app] INFO: \r\n
0000052994 [app] INFO: MCC:310, MNC:260, LAC:8fc1, CI:5071, BSIC:20000053515 [ap
p] INFO: cellular response type=TYPE_UNKNOWN len=72
0000053516 [app] INFO: \r\n
0000053516 [app] INFO: MCC:310, M0000056457 [app] INFO: cellular response type=T
YPE_OK len=6
0000056457 [app] INFO: \r\n
0000056457 [app] INFO: OK\r\n
0000056458 [app] INFO: service rat=GSM mcc=310, mnc=260, lac=8fc1 ci=5f800000564
59 [app] INFO: neighbor 0 rat=GSM mcc=310, mnc=260, lac=8fc1 ci=5071 band=DCS 18
00 or 1900 rssi=-103 bsic=28 arfcn=559 r0000056460 [app] INFO: neighbor 1 rat=GS
M mcc=310, mnc=260, lac=8flooking up operator names...
2G T-Mobile DCS 1800 or 1900 1 bars
2G T-Mobile DCS 1800 or 1900 1 bars
2G T-Mobile DCS 1800 or 1900 0 bars

Is this a G350 Electron (2G)?
Is 2G still available in your area?


1 Like

It looks like there’s a weak (1 bar) 2G signal on T-Mobile.

The earlier log with the error “ERROR: Cloud: unable to resolve IP” means one of two things usually. Either the signal is so weak that the data is not able to be sent or received, or there is a problem with the SIM card. If it’s the SIM card, then we can replace it.


This is a particle 3g.
I’m located in NC and right by an interstate. It worked here before. Ive tried it outside and get the same result, fast cyan flash.

The log was from inside, while connected to my pc, but in a place where it should get the best signal.

i tried driving down the interstate and rebooting the electron multiple times. The best it will do is the fast cyan flash.

I have started a ticket. Hopefully I can get a new sim.

Don’t know if you ever got this solved, but I ran into a similar problem this week. I had an Electron which had been working fine, but then sat on the shelf for several months. I went through pretty much the same steps you did. When I first tried the CLI it said I was already logged in, but then when trying to update through the CLI and device doctor routines got an error message about an “Invalid token”. I was able to get it to reset just by logging out and then logging back in again. Now my Electron is as good as new.