Hello, i have recently been playing around with the photon at work, and have been able to get it to work fine. However i am now working on a project that requires the spark core and i am having a world of troubles trying to set it up. Here are the issues i am having...
First of all i cannot connect it to the wi-fi through the app, (it starts blinking green and never actually connects) so i have been trying to connect it via usb.
The troubles i am having connecting via usb all seem to revolve around the 'dfu-util' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. From my understanding that this just requires me to download/install the dfu driver to my computer. So i followed this tutorial to no success.
Since i am not very confident with this sort of stuff i am stuck on how to solve this issue.
If anyone knows the problem i am having or had any suggestions on how to solve it i would be much appreciative.
Hi, thanks. I have tried particle setup and i can log into my particle account but i am unable detect my device via usb and the computer i am on doesn’t have Wi-Fi. Then if i try it in manual mode i put in all of the internet information and this is what it comes up with. Just obtaining device information and its been like this for over half an hour now. Should i wait? Because it seems like an excessively long time.
C:\Users\wexp>particle setup
_ _ _ _
_ __ __ _ _ __| |_(_) ___| | ___ (_) ___
| '_ \ / _` | '__| __| |/ __| |/ _ \ | |/ _ \
| |_) | (_| | | | |_| | (__| | __/_| | (_) |
| .__/ \__,_|_| \__|_|\___|_|\___(_)_|\___/
|_| https://particle.io/
> Setup is easy! Let's get started...
> It appears as though you are already logged in as 'my email'
? Would you like to log in with a different account? (y/N) N
? Would you like to log in with a different account? No
! PROTIP: Hold the MODE/SETUP button on your device until it blinks blue!
! PROTIP: Please make sure you are connected to the internet.
> No devices detected via USB.
? Would you like to scan for nearby Photons in Wi-Fi setup mode? Yes
! PROTIP: Wireless setup of Photons works like a wizard!
! PROTIP: We will automagically change the Wi-Fi network to which your computer
is connected.
! PROTIP: You will lose your connection to the internet periodically.
! PROTIP: Some computers may require Administrator permissions for my automagica
l Wi-Fi scanning capabilities.
! OOPS: I was unable to scan for nearby Wi-Fi networks (-___-)
? We can still proceed in 'manual' mode. Would you like to continue? Yes
! PROTIP: Manual mode will prompt you to manage the Wi-Fi connection of your com
puter when it's necessary.
! PROTIP: To proceed, you will need to be able to manually change the Wi-Fi conn
ectivity of your computer.
! PROTIP: Your Photon will appear in your computer's list of Wi-Fi networks with
a name like, Photon-XXXX
! PROTIP: Where XXXX is a string of random letters and/or numbers unique to that
specific Photon.
! PROTIP: You will need to know the password for your Wi-Fi network (if any) to
! PROTIP: You can press ctrl + C to quit setup at any time.
> Obtained magical secure claim code.
? Please connect to the Photon's Wi-Fi network now. Press enter when ready.
> Now to configure our precious Photon
! PROTIP: If you want to skip scanning, or your network is configured as a
! PROTIP: non-broadcast network, please enter manual mode to proceed...
? Would you like to manually enter your Wi-Fi network configuration? Yes
? Please enter the SSID of your Wi-Fi network: 'my network'
? Please enter your Wi-Fi network password (leave blank for none): 'my password'
? Please enter your Wi-Fi network password (leave blank for none): 'my password'
? Please enter your Wi-Fi network password (leave blank for none): 'my password'
? Please select the security used by your Wi-Fi network: WPA2
> Here's what we're going to send to the Photon:
> Wi-Fi Network: 'my network'
> Password: 'my password'
> Security: WPA2
? Would you like to continue with the information shown above? Yes
> Obtaining device information...
> Obtaining device information...
> Obtaining device information...
> Obtaining device information...
> Obtaining device information...
> Obtaining device information...
> Obtaining device information...
> Obtaining device information...
> Obtaining device information...
> Obtaining device information...
> Obtaining device information...
> Obtaining device information...
> Obtaining device information...
> Obtaining device information...
> Obtaining device information...
> Obtaining device information...
> Obtaining device information...
> Obtaining device information...
> Obtaining device information...
> Obtaining device information...
> Obtaining device information...
> Obtaining device information...
> Obtaining device information...
> Obtaining device information...
> Obtaining device information...
> Obtaining device information...
> Obtaining device information...
> Obtaining device information...
> Obtaining device information...
> Obtaining device information...
> Obtaining device information...
> Obtaining device information...
> Obtaining device information...
> Obtaining device information...
> Obtaining device information...
> Obtaining device information...
> Obtaining device information...
> Obtaining device information...
> Obtaining device information...
> Obtaining device information...
> Obtaining device information...
> Obtaining device information...
> Obtaining device information...
> Obtaining device information...
> Obtaining device information...
> Obtaining device information...
> Obtaining device information...
> Obtaining device information...
> Obtaining device information...
> Obtaining device information...
> Obtaining device information...
> Obtaining device information...
> Obtaining device information...
> Obtaining device information...
> Obtaining device information...
> Obtaining device information...
> Obtaining device information...
> Obtaining device information...
> Obtaining device information...
> Obtaining device information...
> Obtaining device information...
> Obtaining device information...
> Obtaining device information...
> Obtaining device information...
> Obtaining device information...
> Obtaining device information...
> Obtaining device information...
> Obtaining device information...
> Obtaining device information...
> Obtaining device information...
> Obtaining device information...
> Obtaining device information...
> Obtaining device information...
> Obtaining device information...
> Obtaining device information...
Yea it was blinking blue (in listening mode)
I have tried particle serial wifi before to no avail but tried it again now and this was the response (pretty sure that this is what happened last time i did it, but i cannot rember)
It came up as an Unspecified device in the device manager. Here is a screen shot of what it looks like in listening mode.
As for the serial driver is that what i installed with zadig?
Thanks, i have followed this tutorial but instead of photon i have selected spark core but it comes up saying windows has encountered a problem installing the driver software for your device. And it says that this device cannot start. (Code 10). Is there something different that i have to do because it is a core not a photon?