Claiming a Boron for my customer

As a product owner I need to claim a Boron for my customer during the on boarding process. I need the imei/iccid to do that. I’m guessing your mobile app gets that over bluetooth. I haven’t found documentation on how to do that. Shall I just read the Android app source?
Is there an equivalent of Android Device Setup Library for Boron or does that also work with Boron? The documentation only says it works with Photon.

Most cellular product creators (Electron, E Series, and Boron) don’t claim the devices to customer accounts. Instead, they claim all of the devices to their own account and build the price of cellular connectivity into the cost of the device or their own monthly fee.

You can use customer claiming with cellular devices, however there is no device setup library for cellular devices. Without the need to configure customer Wi-Fi using a mobile app when using cellular devices, the need for customer claiming generally isn’t as great.

Thanks for replying so soon. That makes sense that I would absorb the cost of cellular and I want to do that. But now I’m really confused as to what my next step is. I have two-legged auth working and I have created a shadow customer on Particle cloud. Let’s say my app got the imei/iccid somehow (qr code or something) how does my app start to interact with the Boron? Is two-legged auth pointless for LTE devices? Should I just claim all devices before shipment?

I think I figured it out. In case it helps anyone I made a post on hackster

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