Claim New Photon

We have trouble in claiming new Photon modules:

  1. Use CLI with following error prompt
particle device add 390043000c47363330353437
Claiming device 390043000c47363330353437
Failed to claim device, server said: [TypeError: Object Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND has no method 'indexOf']	
  1. Particle Setup
> I have detected a Photon connected via USB.
? Would you like to continue with this one? Yes
! The Photon supports secure Wi-Fi setup. We'll try that first.

! PROTIP: Wireless setup of Photons works like a wizard!
! PROTIP: We will automagically change the Wi-Fi network to which your computer is connected.
! PROTIP: You will lose your connection to the internet periodically.

? Found "Photon-WL79Z2". Would you like to perform setup on this one now? Yes

! PROTIP: You will need to know the password for your Wi-Fi network (if any) to proceed.
! PROTIP: You can press ctrl + C to quit setup at any time.

> Obtained magical secure claim code.

! PROTIP: There was a network error while connecting to the cloud...
! PROTIP: We need an active internet connection to successfully complete setup.
! PROTIP: Are you currently connected to the internet? Please double-check and try again.

All above method fail to add new module to my account. Also fail to use Particle app and put device in Listening mode.

Do you have an idea?


Suggest that

  1. Ensure you are running the latest version of the CLI 1.36.0, check using $ Particle --version then run $ Particle update-cli if necessary.
  2. Try logging out and logging in to your Particle account.

If it still isn’t working then someone else will need to help you.

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