Hi folks,
I just received my first core a few weeks ago and Ive been trying to get it up and running, but was unsuccessful. Here’s what Ive tried:
My WIFI set up:
802.11 b/g/n (that was the only other option it gave me other than g/n)
First Try:
Downloaded android app and tried to connect to the wifi, but failed and never found any cores. I went through my wifi set up and made sure to change anything I could that may be interfering with the set up. I also looked through the online documentation Particle provides for trouble shooting. Nothing seemed to work. And I could not connect through the app.
Second Try:
Installed CLI on Ubuntu 14.04 64 bit VM
Ran through the instructions, and got to the point where it asks you to press enter when the LED shouts rainbows. I waiting a long time while it cycled through slow and fast blinking cyan. It never went to rainbows. But magically for some reason skipped that step on its own (meaning without input from me), I then gave input to claim the core and name the core. But it continued to cycle through fast and slow blinking cyan. So that worried me and I reset and tried again…
Third Try:
Again through the CLI, went throught all the steps. This time when it got to the step where it wants you to press enter when it shouts rainbows, it just continued to cycle through fast and slow blinking cyan, and never moved on from there. After leaving it for a few hours I gave up and quit the program.
Fourth Try:
Went through the CLI again, this time I pressed enter even though the core never went to rainbows. kept the same name as the first time i named the core. I can see on the dash board that is does have activity. To check I followed the post here.
This was my out put:
attempting to flash firmware to your device glwcore
flash device said {"ok":false,"code":500,"errors":[{"error":"Timed out."}]}
And it continues to switch between fast and slow blinking cyan.
Before I go on to re-install things or deep updates, etc. and other things I dont fully understand, I was hoping to get a few pointers from the forum here, just to make sure Ive done everything I should have.