Hello everyone I have a connection problem between my Spark Core and the mobile application while I’m on the same WI-FI, I put it back in factory status but nothing works
someone would have an idea of where the problem might come from
Can you be a bit more specific about what is not working and what device’s RGB LED is doing?
Have you got the device already claimed to your Particle account?
Does it show up in console.particle.io?
Can you communicate with the device via console?
hello, no my spark core don’t communicate with the console
the led’s after the connection protocols do little green flash lights but the application don’t see the core on the WI-FI and my particle account do not see it too
A valid WiFi connection would be indicated by breathing green - not blinking.
And a cloud connection - prerequisite to communicate with it via Console - would be breathing cyan.
Hence I second @peekay123's suspicion that your device wasn't properly setup to connect to your WiFi network.
For that you'd put your device into Listening Mode (blinking blue) and run particle serial wifi.
Whenever anyone has issues with a Spark Core, the first thing I ask them to do is the following, to make sure that it's got up-to-date system firmware.
> Installing the Particle CLI
You first need to install the Particle CLI. The Particle CLI is a command line interface (CLI) tool used to interact with the Particle Cloud, flash devices, and troubleshoot. To install the Particle CLI go ahead and follow the instructions in this article. Once installed proceed to the next section.
Flashing your Spark Core
Plug your Spark Core into your computer using a USB cable
Place your Spark Core in DFU mode (blinking yellow)
Open up a terminal/command prompt and issue the following command particle update
If, for some reason the last command fails issue the following command, in order:
particle flash --factory tinker. Wait till the Spark Core's main RGB LED returns to flashing yellow
particle flash --usb cc3000. Wait till the Spark Core's main RGB LED returns to flashing yellow
particle flash --usb tinker
These commands replace the factory reset image with the most up-to-date copy, patch the radio, and flash the default "Tinker" app which brings your Spark Core to an upgraded factory state.
Once upgraded your device should reboot and begin flashing blue. It's then ready to set up.
In DFU Mode it is not expected to turn up under COM&LPT.
But when it is still listed as “Other Peripherals” this suggests you are missing the DFU drivers (which would normally come packaged in the CLI Installer).
I tried all of the options you say to me
the device appears in port com, named Core serial (com3)
and I can not find the tab paricle list and particle usb list
can I know where she is
Then, follow the instructions I gave for updating the Core to the latest system and radio firmware.
Then, as Scruffr suggested, do particle serial wifi to configure the Core for your wireless network.
Once the Core is connected to your wifi (not before), you can claim the device to your account by doing particle device add <Device ID> . It has to be claimed to your account for it to show up in the Web IDE and Console device lists.