Cannot install particle-cli on windows [SOLVED]


After 2 days (!) of wandering through the web and not being able to make this work I ask here my question… How can I install the CLI?

I have download and install all the software recommend in this tutorial: [Particle Official] Windows 10 Full CLI and DFU Setup
I have done this several times, with different versions and nothing worked.

I am using Windows 7 and my phone network (tethering) to avoid proxy related issues (I have used the rm proxy command in npm just in case). My 4G LTE is very fast and stable and the computer can access any internet website without any issue.
node -v:
npm -v

I keep on getting this error message, when I run npm install -g particle-cli in PowerShell.
npm ERR! fetch failed
followed by:
tunneling socket could not be established, cause=connect ETIMEDOUT

What can I do to solve this? (I am an absolute beginner).

Thank you very much for your help,

I’m not positive, but it sounds like turning off your npm proxy didn’t take. Are these the commands you used?

npm config rm proxy
npm config rm https-proxy

Hello rickkas7, thx for the advice.

Yes, that is what I did, the whole set indeed :smile:


following your advice I kept on looking for issues proxy related and find the culprit!! In my Windows environment variables was coded a proxy (been using that for Unity…).

I simply deleted that and now it’s working!!

Thank you so much!