I’m new to particle and IoT, and trying to get a Boron setup in my account.
Following the guide in the mobile app (android) I was able to get the sim to activate in the console but haven’t been able to claim the device so that it shows up under “My Devices”. During the setup procedure of “Connecting to the Internet via cellular” I get an error that says “Setup has encountered an error and cannot continue”.
The on board led flashes green rapidly telling me it hasn’t connected to a network. I have released the Sim and tried setup several times with the same result. I live in the USA and use AT&T for my mobile phone and do not have any connection issues.
I attempted to follow the resolution in this post ( Boron can't connect to cloud ) but it didn’t seem to make any changes. I also could not get the debug to output any data, so I’m probably not savy enough to use CLI to write firmware hardwired yet. Also seeing how old the post is I wasn’t sure if it would put unusable firmware on my device.
I’m hoping someone has a solution. Thanks to anyone with input!