I am trying to setup up a new Boron 404X device right out of the box. I've plugged it into a USB and windows (W10) does not recognized the device. I tried this on another computer of mine (W11) and same story. I have installed the Particle CLI for windows on both computers.
From what I have read, I think I need to activate the device, run it through the setup.particle.io webpage to enable the SIM so I can program this. But I am unable to connect to the device. So far, I have not seen anyone else with this same issue. Most of the posts I have found mention a mobile app, as does the start up video from particle.io, but that is no longer available.
Does anyone know what I may be doing wrong? Or what my next steps should be? Do I need a different set of drivers? I'm not sure where to get those if so. I have tried several different USB cables as well.
Thanks for any advice or input in advance!