B524 no found over USB in listen mode for setup?

Hi All,

I got my Eval board with a b524 installed, but when I plug it into USB to set it up using https://setup.particle.io/ I cant see the devices anymore, or they arent detected over USB.

Am I missing something? I have already setup 8 of these in this way, but recently my USB port isnt detecting these? The devices are blink dark blue on the eval board.

Any advice to overcome this will be great.

Are you sure you are using the correct USB connector on the eval board? There are two, and you need to use the SOM USB connector.

ok, so I figured it out. I went through 12 USB cables, it only worked with the one from Particle. So just ensure you use the particle USB cable to avoid any potential issues.
If you use a non-particle usb cable, the eval board will light up into listening mode, but it wont show up when you go on the setup page. It will appear all working, but essentially isnt connected. Though as soon as you use the particle USB cable (while cable with the particle logo) it will appear on the setup page.

Therefore, please ensure you use the particle cable with particle logo that comes with some of the units.

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