Another account already owns this device. Ask the owner to release the device before continuing

Hi Team, I bought some Particle boards some time ago and am back now to start working with them. The problem is that I didn't remember but it seems that I've already registered to another account to which I don't have e-mail or access. Can you help me release the board from this old account so I can use it on my new one? I really appreciate any help you can provide.

If these are Argon devices, you can use the secret setup page. After selecting the Argon connected by USB to your computer, click Advanced Setup Options to expand that panel and select Force claim a Wi-Fi devices using a claim code and you will be able to re-register an Argon that was previously associated with another account, as long as it was not associated with a product.

Hello @rickkas7 I did what you suggested but in the end I got the following information:

Device information
Is the device claimed to my account? :x: No
Is the device in a product I have access to?
:x: No

So it seems it doesn't work as expected, right? It is so frustrating :frowning:

Direct message me the device ID or serial number of the device and I can check it.

Cellular information

Device ID e00fce6858a20353abeedd43

Device firmware information

Module Valid Version Dependencies
bootloader :white_check_mark: 1101
system-part1 :white_check_mark: 4.0.1 (4005) Softdevice (Radio Stack) 202, bootloader 1101
User Part (index 2) :white_check_mark: 6 system-part1 4.0.1 (4005)
NCP :white_check_mark: 5
Softdevice (Radio Stack) :white_check_mark: 202

It was a product device claimed to another user, which is why force claim did not work. I released it so you should be able to set it up using the normal setup now.

Yes!!! Thank you!!! Now it's time for me to learn how to set up and use these very promising microcontrollers :slight_smile:

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Hi @rickkas7 , i have the same problem with a P2 device. The Device ID is 0a10aced202194944a043180 and the serial number is P051AF321043180. It is possible to release it to claim it again?. I would really appreciate. Thanks


Thanks a lot!

I have the same issue with my photon, could you please release it for me:
Device id: 550029001051373331333230

Wow, I've never seen a Device ID without a single hex character in it! It is valid and I removed it from the product and unclaimed it so you can set it up again now.

Hi I am still facing issues in setting my photon. Now i am getting this error: "warning-icon
We weren't able to create your new product, the problem occurred on our end. Please try again." Please help, how to solve this?

Could you please do mine as well? Its off a cleverpet dog toy thing and the company has gone awol so I'm trying to force it to work.

Device serial no is 440043001051353338363333

Can anyone help me with this please. I am constantly getting the error "Another account already owns this device. Ask the owner to release the device before continuing" while setting up the device.

Which setup tool are you using? The Device ID you posted is not associated with any account or product.

i am using the normal setup

I released it again, but once you've set up a device, you cannot just set it up again using a different email address. It must be released from the product it was previously in, and also unclaimed.