Poll: How do you learn?

So true about classrooms. Good point that videos are good as compliments instead. That interactive video is super fun, though. Makes me want to try to create one. Hmm... what's a fun project to do one on...


Having taught computer programming for over 25 years, I really believe in having students do it, the less I talk the better, the more their neighbors help them the better, the more I am there when they get frustrated the better. The more they learn to google and youtube to solve their own problems the better. I even have them searching the particle.io community, amazing how much easier it is to solve problems when you have 31 people working together, instead of one teacher telling 30 students how to program.

You may want to checkout my topic at Teaching High School Robotics with the Spark Photon

It is really easy to create H5P content

You must be a very good teacher. I have been lucky enough to have been taught by some real characters. I used to look forward to their lessons rather than dread them.
So what are the characteristics of a good teacher? What has always stood out to me, as a student, are the following points:
A sense of humour
Dedication to teaching
OCD on subject
Disciplined but fair
Slightly exhibitionist
Ability to demonstrate and present
Not necessarily precisely in that order. I would be interested to hear what you think, as a teacher, are most important.

Awesome! I think whatā€™s been lacking in the classroom is exactly that - learning how to learn. Kudos to ya!

I saw the tutorial. I think Iā€™ll try it over the holidays. Thanks for sharing that BTW.

I like your list, especially the OCD on subject, that's funny since I am at 144 entries to the Particle Community this year! Not really sure what to add about the qualities of a good teacher, except I know a lot of excellent teachers who are as different as night and day. I think the overriding quality is some mix between being capable and being caring. Hope that helps.

One more question that I would like to ask:
Surely most of us have done some sort of on-line training course. What makes a course good? And what makes a course bad?
There are some very well made videos on youtube for free. Conversely there are some appalling courses that you have to pay for.
My list:
Good - Clear introduction and conclusion, clear video and sound, linear (ie in a logical order)
Bad - No structure, no sound, fuzzy / shaky video, irritating music, presenterā€™s accent incomprehensible or irritating, poor sound or video contiuity

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In addition to the things you listed, Iā€™d say:

Good: I like shorter digestable videos divided into sections that make sense (i.e. Like in Udemy) Or at least have markers in the video that indicate a new ā€œchapterā€ or step and include it in the description so I can go back to it easily if needed.
Bad: +1 on irritating music and poor sound and video quality. Also if itā€™s hardware, Iā€™d like to see it up close when appropriate.

Good point about markers, I will make sure that is incorporated into any of my future work. If you try out the H5P modules you will find that they can have a kind of similar structure.
Another thing that I have been trying is [impress.js.][1]
If you like that [try this][2] for an online editor

Easy to get carried away in 3 dimensions and totally unsupportable but the results are spectacular
[1]: http://impress.github.io/impress.js/#/bored
[2]: http://strut.io/

@bevangg Sweet! That was fun. Thanks for sharing. Iā€™ve got a couple new things to try over the holiday because of you ;).

Sounds like you create quite a bit of content. Can you link me to your channel and/or projects youā€™ve work on? Would love to check em out!

Hey everyone! I love this question! I learn best with in person hands-on workshops. Not the best for scaling but so much value add from them!

I couldnā€™t vote because it requires 3 options. The only one there that applies to me is written tutorials.

As others have said, you could have included trial and error. But a glaring omission is learning by reading datasheets and experimenting. You seem to be fundamentally limiting yourself and everyone else to the diy equivalent of buying and assembling lego kits.

I learn by deciding what I want to accomplish, figuring out what components are necessary, learning you use those components, and then combining them together.

The top 3 ways I learn are missing from this poll. Documentation, example code, and source code for the system. As the saying goes, ā€œUse the source Lukeā€.