I… sigh, I think my Spark Core hates me. On a soul level.
I feel like any time I do ANYTHING (in this case, I’m mostly just flashing the core with blink an LED from the library), I end up with a flashing green light, which then means I have to re-open the Tinker app, and re-type in my wifi credentials, and re-connect my core.
This can’t possibly be what everyone else is doing, because this is making me want to cry. And not even like cool guy tears, like sad lame frustrated tears.
This doesn’t even begin to touch the fact that Serial.begin(9600) and Serial.println(“Hello”) seems to pretty much guarantee that CoolTerm does absolutely nothing.
It’s so frustrating when you try your best, and you are getting the exact same results a four year old would get if he just shoved peanut butter on your Spark Core. The. Exact. Same.
Please help.