Who out there has successfuly launched a product on Particle?

And to expand on @mterrill’s “Not Ideal” and “Damn Ugly” statements, Particle is working on a next-gen fleet of devices that will address almost all of the HW related points of (honest and fair IMO) criticism :wink:
That’s something to mark as “The Good”: Particle has an open ear for customer’s wishes/demands. They may need some time but they are not deaf to the needs of customers and the Elite members try to bring burning needs to Particle’s attention in case they just got burried in the noise of less-than-necessary “claims of demand”.

So things are bound to get better and the list of “Not Ideal” and “Damn Ugly” should get shorter soon.

P.S.: The keys issue should alredy be gone with system v0.7.0 (currently RC state) as it should feature “self-healing” keys.