When will there be detailed specs of Tachyon in a dedicated page on official website


Very excited to have backed the kickstarter campaign with a 8GB and one of the first thing I'd love to use it for is a full GUI Ubuntu to be a host to develop MCU firmware.

I have googled and found there's some early test of power consumption of the board, would love to know more about it. Also a bit more on power management in the event of battery plugged in, it's max charging current and if there's any finer monitoring like battery temperature, current control etc.

As for the graphics, how many external monitors will the board be able to hook up at what resolution?


We'll be posting an update soon and will create a dedicated Tachyon section when we're closer to launch. Since we're in the component sourcing stage of the process a lot of the info is likely to change a bit throughout the testing process so we're waiting until it's finalized.

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Any additional information on the MIPI DSI port and the eDP will be appreciated. Looking to preparing a custom panel to work with Tachyon.

It can be from Qualcomm, please point me to the right sets of docs.

I have also read that apparently eDP and MIPI DSI cannot be used at the same time?

So in essence, one cannot use two monitors if its DSI & eDP, but eDP can hook up to two (?) monitors at what resolution?
