I ordered my spark kit last thursday, of course I am anxious to get it. Any idea how long it will take to get it?
Are you wanting to know how long it takes, or how long it feels like it takes? It feels like just shy of forever. However, I think once your order has shipped, it takes about 3-5 if shipped from the US. Some batches were shipped from China, so it did take a while longer. I’m not 100% sure where they’re shipping from at the moment.
Perhaps someone from Spark can chime in (@Teke)?
Hi there, @mikesr20
Current orders of Spark gear are currently shipping out of China, and take about 2-3 weeks to arrive to customers. It looks like your tracking number was just issued today - sending you a separate, private message with info now. . . .
Thanks Teke, it does feel like its been forever… the anticipation is killing me.
@mikesr20, we all feel for you. I certainly felt the same way when I was waiting for the original kickstarter fulfillment! You will not be disappointed