So i took the particle electron out, followed the getting started and got stucked into “claiming you electron screen” LED never blinked Cyan. The LED was white since the first power up.
Contacted support and downloaded the debug thing
And i get that is connected
0000020316 [system] INFO: ARM_WLAN_WD 2
0000020316 [system] INFO: ARM_WLAN_WD 2
0000020316 [system] INFO: CLR_WLAN_WD 1, DHCP success
0000020316 [system] INFO: CLR_WLAN_WD 1, DHCP success
connected to the cellular network in 0 milliseconds
connected to cellular network!
then i get this
0000511701 [comm.dtls] INFO: session cmd (CLS,DIS,MOV,LOD,SAV): 0
0000511701 [comm.dtls] INFO: session cmd (CLS,DIS,MOV,LOD,SAV): 0
0000511702 [comm.protocol.handshake] ERROR: Could not send HELLO message: 10
0000511702 [comm.protocol.handshake] ERROR: Could not send HELLO message: 10
0000511703 [system] INFO: Send event spark/device/key/error=5
0000511703 [system] INFO: Send event spark/device/key/error=5
0000511704 [comm.coap] TRACE: sending message id=a
0000511704 [system] WARN: Cloud handshake failed, code=10
0000511704 [system] WARN: Cloud handshake failed, code=10
0000511955 [system] INFO: Cloud: disconnecting
0000511955 [system] INFO: Cloud: disconnecting
0000511955 [system] TRACE: Close Attempt
Any idea whats going on and what do i need to do next?
is still not connecting