We are the (hardware) engineers behind the Photon; Ask us Anything!

Got it! Thanks @Jack

Are the mechanical specs for P0 and P1 published somewhere?

What are you guys looking forward to, now that the photon is finished?

If I understand it, the P1 is not on a board, such as a Core or Photon. So it has no leds? If that is the case, you can disregard the led on D7, since there is none. Am I mistaken?

That’s my plan. I think it’s optional and not really used for my application. I think the LEDs, including the RGB ones makes sense if P1 is loaded with Particle OS.

Thoughts on the Arduino brand drama?

Any advice on estimating manufacturing schedules and budgets?

I don’t know what pin of the P1 is used for the RGB led. Do you? I don’t have a P1 :wink:

I will be posted all of this in a datasheet similar to the Photon Datasheet found here this week.


The updated pin mapping is here:

I am using this on par with the Photon/Core schematics for design reference. Though there are still some differences. Hopefully a hardware design reference will be posted soon.

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Interesting idea @will - say its a long weekend and you slept in - would the Photon detect if you are undressed and not open the blinds ?

You can definitely omit the D7 led for the P1, that's just added in parallel with the D7 output to light up whenever the D7 pin is set HIGH. This is for easy user debugging and creation of a "hello world" style application out of the box.

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That's a good option, but it seems to require 5volts or 12 volts (and of course amps), to keep the relay energized.
I consider a locking relay to only require power during it changing (like 1/100 of a second). That can stay in the same state for hours/days without more power .I suspect that can only be achieved with a mechanical relay, not an electronic relay. What do you think?

@Rockvole Hahaha probably wouldn’t detect if I’m dressed or undressed, but maybe I could use an Internet Button to make a five minute “privacy” timer what would close the shades temporarily while changing and then restore the blinds to their normal state afterwards :smile:

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From a hardware perspective, what are the weirdest things you’ve seen done with a Core/Photon? What are the most impressive?

I know the dumbest has got to be some newb hand-soldering 130 NeoPixels…

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Assuming no budget, revenue, marketing or time contraints etc…and you were allowed to add one additional feature into the Photon…

…What would it be and why?

Ok, this seems to be more not technical, so:
Has anyone coded the “stamp”, thumbnail processor, in about 1995? I did.

Yes that sounds about right. This is a latching relay, I would go with the dual coil type:

From my past use of these in the medical industry, they required a short 35ms pulse applied to the SET or RESET coil. YMMV.

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Work well with low power solar panel systems.
Probably turn the power hungry Wifi on about once an hour, or a day, and upon hitting the reset button.

I think I might add on-board charging for mobile projects. Battery Shield + Photon would be awesome. That, or just make it a powerhouse of a wireless dev board--throw some bluetooth, mesh networking, and cellular on there....

...then maybe beef up the processor, add a touch screen, put some apps on there....wait a minute....

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Weirdest thing I've done is this (a super convoluted way to toggle a pin):

Most impressive is all of the Kickstarter campaigns that have powered by Particle products that are popping up lately, and getting funded!