I have a Waveshare 5.83 Display with the Pi/universal hat, using the GxEPD2 library. I have it connected to a Boron over SPI. The issue I have is that the display seems to update when it wants to. I had it working earlier in my project, but added i2c GPIO expanders and an i2c accelerometer. The display will update on reboot, but not another. The serial output from the Boron during the display update is “_Update_Full : 30” or" _Update_Full : 25085". This screams hardware/connection issue, but I don’t see it. What are my next steps/where do I look? Halp
Connected the display to a RPi, it updates and acts normally.
Connected to the Boron with the example application code in the library, it does not function.
Connection from Boron pins to the pins on the hat show continuity with a meter.
I have ordered a new hat in case hat is the issue.
It is currently running on 2.0.0. It has intermittently worked on this firmware, and on 1.5.1, 1.5.2, 1.5.4 also. I just ran a display update and it looked like the original image with additional what looked like “static” from old analog TVs. I reflashed the firmware and it updated to the proper image. The device is on a workbench separate from my computer desk. It has not been touched by me or anything and is having different results.
Update. I also tried this on a Boron 2g/3g (main use is the LTE version) with no change. The last refresh also left the image shifted to the left by a 100 pixels ish.