##The following videos are finished:
###Click on these direct links
a00-intro An introduction to teaching robotics using the particle.io photon. Shows several student examples from June 2017.
a01-console Got ta love the console.
a02-voltage-divider Measuring 2 prong sensors
a03-DAC-to-ADC Using the DAC pins (A6, A3) to test the Analog read pins (A0 --> A5)
a04-SOS-programming A tiny bit of programming, more to build confidence than anything else.
a05-tinker speaks for itself
a06-web-app My flagship Photon and Raspberry Pi3 controlling web page, view it live at https://hpssjellis.github.io/particle.io-photon-high-school-robotics/ Plug in your Photon ID and Access token and activate your D7 LED now.
a07-mobile-App Convert a web page into a mobile app using Phonegap Build
a08-ifttt Control anything onthe internet with your Photon
a09-servo Operating a servo motor using an external power source, without destroying the photon.
a10-transistor Showing how to use a transistor to protect the photon from slightly higher amps and volts
a11-DC-motor-drivers using the Pololu Big motor driver To 24V Max and 12 Amp Max and the dual motor driver to 13.5 V max and 1.2 Amp Max
a12-stepper-motor-driver using the Pololu stepper and driver
a13-arduino using the photon to make a non-wifi Arduino
a14-serial-I2C using the Groove OLED
a15-serial-SPI using the amazing Pixy camera.
a16-serial-uART using a finger print scanner
Advanced: Using the Raspberry Pi3 on the Particle.io Cloud IDE and being able to control it using my web app.
Advanced: Web Sockets Is the Particle Cloud 1200 ms delay to slow for you? Try this using your own nodejs server to get a 10 ms delay
my IOT Rant Written in 2015 when I switched from just coding to robotics (I new very little about electronics)
##The videos are at:
Just Google search for particle.io photon high school robotics
or copy
##The Github site is at: