Using ParticleSetup and itunes complains about UIWebView deprecation

I’m using the iOS ParticleSetup and ParticleSDK. As I submit my application to iOS, they complain about a deprecated UIWebView interface. Is ParticleSetup going to remove their dependency on that any time soon?

best wishes,

maybe this is not answer you want to hear. But for our NixieClock app we leave ParticleSDK for iOS and wrote it from scratch - we wanted our UI. It’s few classes in swift - communications with Photon is done via JSON Rest API.
Maybe if you contact me, i can provide my code. But it’s just an API client. UI is on your own.

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Hello, I am already working on removing dependency on UIKit. For SDK the error comes from underlying dependency on AFNEtworking. I already have SDK source that no longer has UIKit and I hope it will go live as v1.0.3 sometime by the end of next week (might be even today, but don’t want to promise timeline that i’m not sure I can deliver).

I will have to check if SetupLib causes this error, but hard deadline is sometime in December (in April for new apps, in December for updated apps) so we will definitely remove UIKit dependency before that deadline :).

In the future I would recommend opening an issue on github as I check those much more frequently than I do community forums :slight_smile:.


basically we had to use direct rest api with JSON, because customer wanted custom UI design and we were not able to customize your SDK.

We covered only Photon setup part, not the cloud. Our iOS app talks to our server and our server talks to Particle cloud. Due to security, iOS app don’t talk to cloud directly.

I am sharing all necessary classes, which allows you to connect to Photon (already in AP mode) and:

  1. Gets photon ID
  2. Scan nearby WiFi networks
  3. Setup network
  4. Request Photon to connect to API.

I don’t know if it is buildable, but it is simple to use and understand. It has only one external lib - HandyJSON (you can find it in CocoaPods), for (de)serialize json to models.

Download here

Sry, but i am not able to provide whole iOS app, it’s not open-source, but you can easily write UI on your own.
Feel free to ask questions.

It’s fine that you can’t provide whole app. Thank you!

@terencelister I’ve looked in that warning more and ways to solve it and due to cocoapod limitation it won’t be that easy now. My suggestion is to simply wait for AFNetworking to fix that later this year.

The issue is that in SDK I can use only subspec of AFNetwoking (which I did for v1.0.3), but when that gets autoresolved in Photon Setup Lib, cocoapods will fetch the whole AFNetworking (even though nothing in the project asks for the whole dependency) and therefore setup lib would still result in apple warning.

Here’s a link to an issue on AFNetworking repo:

@Raimis I have opened two issues on github, about the deprecated uiwebview

The first issue is on the particle-sdk repo

AFNetworking was updated to version 4.0.0 and they have fixed the issue

The second issue is the particle setup ios repo see github link below for more details

Hello, thank you for doing this. I am aware of this. This has been forwarded to people making these decisions internally. Whenever I get approval for this, I will fix this :slight_smile: