Unable to claim Spark Core

I recently got a Spark Core from a friend and I am trying to set it up.

We’ve removed the Core from his account, but I am unable to claim it on mine.

I have tried with the mobile app, getting it to breathe cyan and claim via the web UI and also using the spark CLI.

The Spark CLI was the only thing that gave me a clue to the problem:
Failed to claim core, server said [ ‘That belongs to someone else’ ]

We have verified and this core is no longer visible from my friends account from either the web UI or the CLI.

Any ideas how to solve this?

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What happens when you do `spark list?

Both accounts say that they don’t have any cores

Weird stuff. :smiley:

Can you email the login email address of the account and core id to hello@spark.io for them to check things out? :slight_smile:

Surely is weird, probably the core was only partly removed from the old account.
I have emailed the old and new account emails and also the core id to that address, thanks for the assistance :smile:

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@mdjarv it’s possible that the Core is claimed to a false account like "email@gnail.com" or "email@gmail.com ", with an extra space at the end. Feel free to send me a PM if this doesn’t get resolved by tech support by end of day Monday.