Haven't used core in a year - CLI error [ 'That belongs to someone else' ]

As mentioned in the title, I haven’t used my core in about a year. I logged into my account (I believe the same account I initially setup, I looked at my initial account activation email from Feb 11/14) and didn’t see my core there.

The core connects to the cloud just fine (breathing cyan, can see the DHCP entry on the router) but when I try and claim it through the web IDE it says “Could not claim core”. I downloaded the Spark-CLI tool and tried spark setup got through all the prompts and ended with:

Claiming your core 

Failed to claim core, server said [ 'That belongs to someone else' ]

I was hoping to use it for a project this weekend. I’ve sent an email to hello@spark.io with the core id. Is there anything else I can do or just wait for a reply from them?


It’s usually the typo or incorrect email that caused the issue :wink: