Unable to claim Electrons 01-29-2019


I have claimed 12 particles, but I don’t see them come up under Devices… I have done this successfully in the past, but today I am having issues.
I know that there were database issues earlier, but the status page says everything is good right now.

I was able to add the device under a product and see logs (after I claimed it), but it says the device is unclaimed and the device id is different from what it was when I claimed it through setup.particle.io. Something strange is going on, and I’ve been at it for most of today. Please help.


The easiest fix is to connect the device by USB and hold down he MODE button until the status LED blinks dark blue then use the command:

particle identify

Reset the Electron and wait for it to get to breathing cyan. Then issue the CLI command:

particle device add DEVICE_ID

Replace DEVICE_ID with the device ID that was printed out during particle identify.


Thanks a lot! It worked.

Are these steps all necessary or I can skip some if I do it through the CLI?

  1. Go to setup.particle.io
  2. Follow the steps
  3. When asked about ICCID, enter 3rd party sim
  4. Download the binary, use appropriate APN
  5. Insert sim
  6. Flash the board
  7. Wait for breathing cyan
  8. Open cli
  9. Connect the device by USB and hold down he MODE button until the status LED blinks dark blue then use the command: particle identify
  10. Reset the Electron and wait for it to get to breathing cyan. Then issue the CLI command: particle device add DEVICE_ID

    Note: Replace DEVICE_ID with the device ID that was printed out during particle identify.
  11. Look up device in console.particle.io

For an Electron with a 3rd-party SIM card you can skip steps 1-4. The binary is exactly the same regardless of what ICCID you enter, so you can reuse the binary.

I’d do the steps in a different order which will speed things up so you only have to wait for breathing cyan once:

5, 9, 6, 10


Got it. Thank you very much!
