Tracker One caching publishes when disconnected from cloud

I have a question about the Tracker One and it’s ability to cache publishes that fail because of no connectivity. I see in the fleet config options, there is an option for ‘Acknowledge location publishes’ which says it will retry sending if cloud is not responsive. My questions are these:

How many retries will it attempt? What is the interval on retries? Will the marked timestamp be for initial attempt or for the successful retry?

Basically, I would like to be able to handle a Tracker One going out of service for a few hours, and then upon reconnection publish all data points that failed on initial attempt. So does the baseline Tracker One firmware handle this automatically? If not, is there a library to aid with this? If not, any suggestions or ideas for implementing this myself?

I don’t have any experience with Tracker One, but I was just reading Application Note 30 which seems to be related to your questions.

Hopefully someone else will chime in, but maybe that will give you some guidance in the meantime.

The default Tracker Edge firmware does not include “offline caching”, however Mariano Goluboff @ Particle has created a proof of concept offline caching modification - you can find it in a separate branch of the Tracker Edge firmware here -

See the headers in tracker_location.h for caching settings. The entire publish is cached at JSON (so any custom fields added with location publish callbacks are retained), and then when the tracker is back in cell service the cache is uploaded one publish per second, starting with the most recent cached publishes and working backward.

My organization is using this modification alongside our custom firmware on TrackerOnes that are going out of cell service for over 12 hours per day and publishing locations every minute. The limits to how long the device can cache outside cell service can be calculated based on the publish interval, length of each publish JSON and the amount of space allocated in the tracker’s flash. For example, if your typical publish length is 200 characters and you allocated 1024 KB of the flash drive for caching, you would be able to cache 5,000 publishes.


This is incredibly helpful, I’ll be diving into this today.

Just a heads up, I started using and experimenting with this today and it worked phenomenally right out of the box, so kudos to you and Mariano Goluboff for contributing this to the community

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Looping back on this - reaching out to you @rkast4321 and any others who are using this mod. A few months ago we had a TrackerOne running the original offline caching proof-of-concept throw an SOS Assertion Failure. It was running none of our customizations, so we expect this was something in the offline caching. I had to bring the unit in and flash a custom user application that deleted the offline cache file - it had become corrupt and any attempt to open/read the file stats resulted in an Assertion Failure. We though this was an isolated incident, but had 3 TrackerOnes throw the same error last week.

The immediate response was to send out an OTA update that deletes the offline cache file at each reset. This would result in some loss of data, but is better then having the units lock up. In testing this week is a modification that only deletes the cache after a SOS reset and also addresses some potential causes of the file corruption - most notably, reducing some memory fragmentation issues and blocking resets and OTA updates while uploading the cache.

Posting this in case you or anyone else using this modification is running into the same issue!

That’s interesting, we actually experienced that issue once already. I’ll make a modification that clears caching on SOS for the meantime and await the official release.


Would you be able to include the code you used to clear the cache on reset for the interim? I have one or two units out in the field that I would rather not get locked up becasue of file corruption.

We are still working on this - we thought we had a solution checking to see if the device has SOSed, but found that this was not recovering units that were already locked up when we flashed it.

In short, tried adding the below snippet to the init() function in the TrackerLocation class. When that did not work, moved it up to setup() in main.cpp, and then eventually into the STARTUP() macro. It seems however that the reset reason post corrupt cache SOS is not RESET_REASON_PANIC. I’m working on figuring out what reason code it is throwing.

In the meantime, we are simply using unlink(TRACKER_LOCATION_OFFLINE_STORAGE_FILE); in the STARTUP macro to delete the cache every time the tracker resets. Not ideal, but hopefully if the modifications to the TrackerLocation class to prevent memory fragmentation and file corruption work, the cache will not become corrupt in the first place.

    // Enable system reset information
    // If the system reset because of a red flashing SOS, delete the cache file
    if (System.resetReason() == RESET_REASON_PANIC) {

That’s better than nothing for me. Our devices are meant to be online all the time, so it’s not a major loss if we unlink on every startup. I appreciate your team working on this, and you continuing to post your findings here.

Yeah that makes sense, no major loss unless there is a crash. Also, here is our full TrackerLocation class. A few modifications, done mostly as a matter of best practices versus being smoking guns for why the cache is becoming corrupt -

  • location_publish_retry_str has been changed from a pointer to a buffer allocated to the maximum publish size. This prevents memory fragmentation as in the default firmware memory is constantly reallocated for this buffer.
  • Any time the cache is read reset and OTA firmware updates are disabled. Reset is disabled when writing (no need to disable OTA since tracker is out of cell anyway if writing to the cache.)

There’s some other modifications in there as well, like functions to add callbacks to block publishing if a condition in an outside class is true (ie, we use this to geofence, slowing down the publish rate when inside certain areas).


 * Copyright (c) 2020 Particle Industries, Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

#pragma once

#include "config_service.h"
#include "cloud_service.h"
#include "location_service.h"
#include "motion_service.h"
#include "tracker_sleep.h"

#define TRACKER_LOCATION_OFFLINE_STORAGE_FILE ("/offline_location_points")

// wait at most this many seconds for a locked GPS location to become stable
// before publishing regardless

// wait at most this many seconds for initial lock on boot before publishing
// regardless

struct tracker_location_config_t {
    int32_t interval_min_seconds; // 0 = no min
    int32_t interval_max_seconds; // 0 = no max
    bool min_publish;
    bool lock_trigger;
    bool process_ack;
    bool offline_storage;
    uint16_t kbytes_storage;

enum class Trigger {
    NORMAL = 0,
    IMMEDIATE = 1,

enum class GnssState {

enum class PublishReason {

struct EvaluationResults {
    PublishReason reason;
    bool networkNeeded;
    bool lockWait;

class TrackerLocation
         * @brief Return instance of the tracker location object
         * @retval CloudService&
        static TrackerLocation &instance()
                _instance = new TrackerLocation();
            return *_instance;

        void init();
        void loop();

        // register for callback during generation of location publish allowing
        // for insertion of custom fields into the output
        // these callbacks are persistent and not removed on generation
        int regLocGenCallback(
            std::function<void(JSONWriter&, LocationPoint &, const void *)>,
            const void *context=nullptr);

        template <typename T>
        int regLocGenCallback(
            void (T::*cb)(JSONWriter&, LocationPoint &, const void *),
            T *instance,
            const void *context=nullptr);

        // register for callback on location publish success/fail
        // these callbacks are NOT persistent and are used for the next publish
        int regLocPubCallback(
            cloud_service_send_cb_t cb,
            const void *context=nullptr);

        template <typename T>
        int regLocPubCallback(
            int (T::*cb)(CloudServiceStatus status, JSONValue *, const char *, const void *context),
            T *instance,
            const void *context=nullptr);

        // Register a callback to block loc pub if True returned -
        // callback is passed LocationPoint and the _last_location_publish_sec,
        // such that publishing can be blocked/throttled to a lower rate until a
        // a given condition is met. Callbacks returns True if publishing should be blocked
        int regLocPubBlockCallback(
            std::function<bool(uint32_t &, LocationPoint &, const void *)>, const void *context=nullptr);

        template <typename T>
        int regLocPubBlockCallback(
            bool (T::*cb)(uint32_t &, LocationPoint &, const void *),
            T *instance, const void *context=nullptr);

        int triggerLocPub(Trigger type = Trigger::NORMAL, const char *s = "user");

        void lock() {mutex.lock();}
        void unlock() {mutex.unlock();}

        inline bool getMinPublish() { return config_state.min_publish; }

        // Public access to the last locked/stable/accurate GNSS fix,
        // updated each second if GNSS stable/accurate
        int getLastStableLocation(LocationPoint& point) {
            point = _last_stable_loc;
            return SYSTEM_ERROR_NONE;

        TrackerLocation() :
            config_state = {
                .interval_min_seconds = TRACKER_LOCATION_INTERVAL_MIN_DEFAULT_SEC,
                .interval_max_seconds = TRACKER_LOCATION_INTERVAL_MAX_DEFAULT_SEC,
                .min_publish = TRACKER_LOCATION_MIN_PUBLISH_DEFAULT,
                .lock_trigger = TRACKER_LOCATION_LOCK_TRIGGER,
                .process_ack = TRACKER_LOCATION_PROCESS_ACK,
                .offline_storage = TRACKER_LOCATION_OFFLINE_STORAGE,
                .kbytes_storage = TRACKER_LOCATION_DEFAULT_STORAGE
        static TrackerLocation *_instance;
        TrackerSleep& _sleep;

        RecursiveMutex mutex;

        Vector<const char *> _pending_triggers;
        system_tick_t _loopSampleTick = 0;
        bool _pending_immediate;
        bool _first_publish;
        bool _pending_first_publish;
        unsigned int _earlyWake;
        unsigned int _nextEarlyWake;

        char location_publish_retry_str[particle::protocol::MAX_EVENT_DATA_LENGTH];

        int enter_location_config_cb(bool write, const void *context);
        int exit_location_config_cb(bool write, int status, const void *context);

        int get_loc_cb(CloudServiceStatus status, JSONValue *root, const void *context);

        int location_publish_cb(CloudServiceStatus status, JSONValue *, const char *req_event, const void *context);

        void issue_location_publish_callbacks(CloudServiceStatus status, JSONValue *, const char *req_event);

        void location_publish();

        bool isSleepEnabled();
        void enableNetworkGnss();
        void disableGnss();
        void onSleepPrepare(TrackerSleepContext context);
        void onSleep(TrackerSleepContext context);
        void onSleepCancel(TrackerSleepContext context);
        void onWake(TrackerSleepContext context);
        void onSleepState(TrackerSleepContext context);
        EvaluationResults evaluatePublish();
        void buildPublish(LocationPoint& cur_loc);
        GnssState loopLocation(LocationPoint& cur_loc);
        int storeLocationToFile(const char* req_event);
        int getLocationFromFile();

        uint32_t _last_location_publish_sec = 0;
        uint32_t _monotonic_publish_sec;
        bool _newMonotonic;
        uint32_t _firstLockSec;
        uint32_t _gnssStartedSec;

        tracker_location_config_t config_state, config_state_shadow;

        Vector<std::function<void(JSONWriter&, LocationPoint&)>> locGenCallbacks;
        // publish callback for the next publish (not in flight)
        Vector<std::function<void(CloudServiceStatus status, JSONValue *, const char *)>> locPubCallbacks;
        // publish callbacks for the current/pending publish (in flight)
        Vector<std::function<void(CloudServiceStatus status, JSONValue *, const char *)>> pendingLocPubCallbacks;
        // Callbacks to block publishing based on external conditions
        Vector<std::function<bool(uint32_t&, LocationPoint&)>> locPubBlockCallbacks;
        // Last stable accurate location
        LocationPoint _last_stable_loc;

template <typename T>
int TrackerLocation::regLocGenCallback(
    void (T::*cb)(JSONWriter&, LocationPoint &, const void *),
    T *instance,
    const void *context)
    return regLocGenCallback(std::bind(cb, instance, _1, _2), context);

template <typename T>
int TrackerLocation::regLocPubCallback(
    int (T::*cb)(CloudServiceStatus status, JSONValue *, const char *, const void *context),
    T *instance,
    const void *context)
    return regLocPubCallback(std::bind(cb, instance, _1, _2, _3), context);

And tracker_location.cpp:

 * Copyright (c) 2020 Particle Industries, Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

#include <stdint.h>

#include "Particle.h"
#include "tracker_config.h"
#include "tracker_location.h"

#include "config_service.h"
#include "location_service.h"
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>

TrackerLocation *TrackerLocation::_instance = nullptr;

static constexpr system_tick_t LoopSampleRate = 1000; // milliseconds
static constexpr uint32_t EarlySleepSec = 2; // seconds
static constexpr uint32_t MiscSleepWakeSec = 3; // seconds - miscellaneous time spent by system entering and exiting sleep
static constexpr uint32_t LockTimeoutSec = 10; // seconds - time to wait for GNSS lock (sleep disabled)

static int set_radius_cb(double value, const void *context)
    static_cast<LocationService *>((void *)context)->setRadiusThreshold(value);

    return 0;

static int get_radius_cb(double &value, const void *context)
    float temp;

    static_cast<LocationService *>((void *)context)->getRadiusThreshold(temp);

    value = temp;

    return 0;

// when entering the location config object copy from the actual config to the
// shadow for access if writing
int TrackerLocation::enter_location_config_cb(bool write, const void *context)
        memcpy(&config_state_shadow, &config_state, sizeof(config_state_shadow));
    return 0;

// when exiting the location config object copy from the shadow config to the
// actual if writing (and no error)
int TrackerLocation::exit_location_config_cb(bool write, int status, const void *context)
    if(write && !status)
        if(config_state_shadow.interval_min_seconds > config_state_shadow.interval_max_seconds)
            return -EINVAL;
        memcpy(&config_state, &config_state_shadow, sizeof(config_state));
    return status;

int TrackerLocation::get_loc_cb(CloudServiceStatus status,
    JSONValue *root,
    const void *context)
   return 0;

void TrackerLocation::init()
    static ConfigObject location_desc
            ConfigFloat("radius", get_radius_cb, set_radius_cb, &LocationService::instance()).min(0.0).max(1000000.0),
            ConfigInt("interval_min", config_get_int32_cb, config_set_int32_cb,
                &config_state.interval_min_seconds, &config_state_shadow.interval_min_seconds,
                0, 86400l),
            ConfigInt("interval_max", config_get_int32_cb, config_set_int32_cb,
                &config_state.interval_max_seconds, &config_state_shadow.interval_max_seconds,
                0, 86400l),
                config_get_bool_cb, config_set_bool_cb,
                &config_state.min_publish, &config_state_shadow.min_publish),
                config_get_bool_cb, config_set_bool_cb,
                &config_state.lock_trigger, &config_state_shadow.lock_trigger),
                config_get_bool_cb, config_set_bool_cb,
                &config_state.process_ack, &config_state_shadow.process_ack),
                config_get_bool_cb, config_set_bool_cb,
                &config_state.offline_storage, &config_state_shadow.offline_storage),
                config_get_int32_cb, config_set_int32_cb,
                &config_state.kbytes_storage, &config_state_shadow.kbytes_storage,
                1, 4096l)
        std::bind(&TrackerLocation::enter_location_config_cb, this, _1, _2),
        std::bind(&TrackerLocation::exit_location_config_cb, this, _1, _2, _3)


    CloudService::instance().regCommandCallback("get_loc", &TrackerLocation::get_loc_cb, this);

    _last_location_publish_sec = System.uptime() - config_state.interval_min_seconds;

    _sleep.registerSleepPrepare([this](TrackerSleepContext context){ this->onSleepPrepare(context); });
    _sleep.registerSleep([this](TrackerSleepContext context){ this->onSleep(context); });
    _sleep.registerSleepCancel([this](TrackerSleepContext context){ this->onSleepCancel(context); });
    _sleep.registerWake([this](TrackerSleepContext context){ this->onWake(context); });
    _sleep.registerStateChange([this](TrackerSleepContext context){ this->onSleepState(context); });

int TrackerLocation::regLocGenCallback(
    std::function<void(JSONWriter&, LocationPoint &, const void *)> cb,
    const void *context)
    locGenCallbacks.append(std::bind(cb, _1, _2, context));
    return 0;

// register for callback on location publish success/fail
// these callbacks are NOT persistent and are used for the next publish
int TrackerLocation::regLocPubCallback(
    cloud_service_send_cb_t cb,
    const void *context)
    locPubCallbacks.append(std::bind(cb, _1, _2, _3, context));
    return 0;

// Register a callback to block loc pub if True returned -
// callback is passed LocationPoint and the _last_location_publish_sec,
// such that publishing can be blocked/throttled to a lower rate until a
// a given condition is met. Callbacks returns True if publishing should be blocked
int TrackerLocation::regLocPubBlockCallback(
    std::function<bool(uint32_t&, LocationPoint &, const void *)> cb,
    const void *context) {
    locPubBlockCallbacks.append(std::bind(cb, _1, _2, context));
    return 0;

int TrackerLocation::triggerLocPub(Trigger type, const char *s)
    std::lock_guard<RecursiveMutex> lg(mutex);
    bool matched = false;

    for(auto trigger : _pending_triggers)
        if(!strcmp(trigger, s))
            matched = true;


    if(type == Trigger::IMMEDIATE)
        _pending_immediate = true;

    return 0;

void TrackerLocation::issue_location_publish_callbacks(CloudServiceStatus status, JSONValue *rsp_root, const char *req_event)
    for(auto cb : pendingLocPubCallbacks)
        cb(status, rsp_root, req_event);

int TrackerLocation::location_publish_cb(CloudServiceStatus status, JSONValue *rsp_root, const char *req_event, const void *context)
    bool issue_callbacks = true;

    if(status == CloudServiceStatus::SUCCESS)
        // this could either be on the Particle Cloud ack (default) OR the
        // end-to-end ACK"location cb publish %lu success!", *(uint32_t *) context);
        _first_publish = false;
        _pending_first_publish = false;
    else if(status == CloudServiceStatus::FAILURE)
        // right now FAILURE only comes out of a Particle Cloud issue
        // once Particle Cloud passes if waiting on end-to-end it will
        // only ever timeout

        // on failure, save to file if enabled. Save to RAM for retry if
        // offline storage is not enabled, or it fails to store.
        if(req_event && config_state.offline_storage && (storeLocationToFile(req_event) == (int)(strlen(req_event) + 3)) )
            issue_callbacks = false;
        else if(req_event && location_publish_retry_str[0] == '\0')
            size_t len = strlen(req_event) + 1;
                memcpy(location_publish_retry_str, req_event, len);
                // we've saved for retry, defer callbacks until retry completes
                issue_callbacks = false;
        }"location cb publish %lu failure", *(uint32_t *) context);
    else if(status == CloudServiceStatus::TIMEOUT)
    {"location cb publish %lu timeout", *(uint32_t *) context);
    {"location cb publish %lu unexpected status: %d", *(uint32_t *) context, status);

        issue_location_publish_callbacks(status, rsp_root, req_event);

    return 0;

void TrackerLocation::location_publish()
    int rval;
    CloudService &cloud_service = CloudService::instance();

    // maintain cloud service lock across the send to allow us to save off
    // the finalized loc publish to retry on failure

    CloudServicePublishFlags cloud_flags =
        (config_state.process_ack) ? CloudServicePublishFlags::FULL_ACK : CloudServicePublishFlags::NONE;

    if(location_publish_retry_str[0] != '\0')
        // publish a retry loc
        rval = cloud_service.send(location_publish_retry_str,
            &TrackerLocation::location_publish_cb, this,
            CLOUD_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MS, &_last_location_publish_sec);
        // publish a new loc (contained in cloud_service buffer)
        rval = cloud_service.send(WITH_ACK,
            &TrackerLocation::location_publish_cb, this,
            CLOUD_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MS, &_last_location_publish_sec);

    if(rval == -EBUSY)
        // this implies a transient failure that should recover very
        // quickly (normally another publish in progress blocking lower
        // in the system)
        // save off the generated publish to retry as it has already
        // consumed pending events if applicable
        if(location_publish_retry_str[0] == '\0')
            size_t len = strlen(cloud_service.writer().buffer()) + 1;
            memcpy(location_publish_retry_str, cloud_service.writer().buffer(), len);
            issue_location_publish_callbacks(CloudServiceStatus::FAILURE, NULL, location_publish_retry_str);
        if(location_publish_retry_str[0] != '\0')
            // On success or fatal error reset first index to null
            location_publish_retry_str[0] = '\0';

void TrackerLocation::enableNetworkGnss() {
    _gnssStartedSec = System.uptime();

void TrackerLocation::disableGnss() {

bool TrackerLocation::isSleepEnabled() {
    return !_sleep.isSleepDisabled();

int TrackerLocation::storeLocationToFile(const char* req_event) {
    // Disable device reset to avoid file corruption, renable after success/failure
    if(fd == -1) {
        Log.error("File not open for writing");
        return SYSTEM_ERROR_FILE;
    struct stat buf;
    int retval = fstat(fd, &buf);
    if (retval == 0) {
        if(buf.st_size < config_state.kbytes_storage*1024) {
            uint16_t size = strlen(req_event)+1;
            retval = write(fd, req_event, size);
            Log.trace("Previous file size: %ld. Wrote %d bytes to file", buf.st_size, retval);
            if (write(fd, (void *)&size, 2) == 2) {
            } else {
                retval = SYSTEM_ERROR_FILE;
        } else {
            retval = SYSTEM_ERROR_TOO_LARGE;
    } else {
        retval = SYSTEM_ERROR_FILE;
    return retval;

int TrackerLocation::getLocationFromFile() {"Opening file: %s", TRACKER_LOCATION_OFFLINE_STORAGE_FILE);
    if(fd == -1) {
        Log.error("File not found for reading");
        return SYSTEM_ERROR_FILE;
    // Last two bytes of each record is the length of the publish
    if (lseek(fd, -2, SEEK_END) < 0) goto read_error;
    uint16_t len;
    if (read(fd, (void *)&len, 2) == -1) goto read_error;
    Log.trace("Length of publish: %d", len);
    if(location_publish_retry_str[0] == '\0') {
        // Seek length of publish plus 2 bytes for len from end of file
        if(lseek(fd, -2-len, SEEK_END) < 0) goto read_error;
        // Then read in the length of the publish to get the JSON location publish string
        if(read(fd, location_publish_retry_str, len) < len) goto read_error;
        struct stat stat_buf;
        if(fstat(fd, &stat_buf) == -1) goto read_error;
        // Truncate the file to remove the last record just read
        if(ftruncate(fd, stat_buf.st_size - len - 2) == -1) goto read_error;
    } else {
        return SYSTEM_ERROR_BUSY;
    Log.error("Error accessing file");

EvaluationResults TrackerLocation::evaluatePublish() {
    auto now = System.uptime();

    if (_pending_immediate) {
        // request for immediate publish overrides the default min/max interval checking
        Log.trace("%s pending_immediate", __FUNCTION__);
        return EvaluationResults {PublishReason::IMMEDIATE, true, false};

    // This will allow a trigger publish on boot.
    // This may be pre-emptively published due to connect and execute times if sleep is enabled.
    // If sleep is disabled then timeout after some time.
    if (_first_publish && !_pending_first_publish) {
        Log.trace("%s first", __FUNCTION__);
        return EvaluationResults {PublishReason::TRIGGERS, true, (now - _gnssStartedSec) < (uint32_t)_sleep.getConfigConnectingTime()};

    uint32_t interval = now - _last_location_publish_sec;
    uint32_t maxInterval = now - _monotonic_publish_sec;

    bool networkNeeded = false;
    uint32_t max = (uint32_t)config_state.interval_max_seconds;
    auto maxNetwork = max;
    if  (maxNetwork > (uint32_t)_nextEarlyWake) {
        maxNetwork -= (uint32_t)_nextEarlyWake;

    if (config_state.interval_max_seconds) {
        if (maxInterval >= maxNetwork) {
            // max interval adjusted for early wake
            Log.trace("%s maxNetwork", __FUNCTION__);
            networkNeeded = true;

        if (maxInterval >= max) {
            // max interval and past the max interval so have to publish
            Log.trace("%s max", __FUNCTION__);
            // timeout may be pre-empted when sleep enabled
            return EvaluationResults {PublishReason::TIME, true, (maxInterval - max) < LockTimeoutSec};

    uint32_t min = (uint32_t)config_state.interval_min_seconds;
    auto minNetwork = min;
    if  (minNetwork > (uint32_t)_nextEarlyWake) {
        minNetwork -= (uint32_t)_nextEarlyWake;

    if (_pending_triggers.size()) {
        if (!config_state.interval_min_seconds ||
            (interval >= minNetwork)) {
            // min interval adjusted for early wake
            Log.trace("%s minNetwork", __FUNCTION__);
            networkNeeded = true;

        if (!config_state.interval_min_seconds ||
            (interval >= min)) {
            // no min interval or past the min interval so can publish
            Log.trace("%s min", __FUNCTION__);
            // timeout may be pre-empted when sleep enabled
            return EvaluationResults {PublishReason::TRIGGERS, true, (interval - min) < LockTimeoutSec};

    if (!networkNeeded) {
        // If we have a file with saved loc points, and there's no min interval or
        // we're past the min interval (either total or adjusted for early wake),
        // then ask for network to turn on to publish the stored points.
        struct stat buf;
        if( (stat(TRACKER_LOCATION_OFFLINE_STORAGE_FILE, &buf) == 0 && buf.st_size > 2) &&
            (!config_state.interval_min_seconds || (interval >= minNetwork || interval >= min)) ) 
            Log.trace("%s cached loc", __FUNCTION__);
            networkNeeded = true;


    return EvaluationResults {PublishReason::NONE, networkNeeded, false};

// The purpose of thhe sleep prepare callback is to allow each task to calculate
// the next time it needs to wake and process inputs, publish, and what not.
void TrackerLocation::onSleepPrepare(TrackerSleepContext context) {
    // The first thing to figure out is the needed interval, min or max
    unsigned int wake = _last_location_publish_sec;
    int32_t interval = 0;
    if (_pending_triggers.size()) {
        interval = config_state.interval_min_seconds;
        wake += interval;
    else {
        interval = config_state.interval_max_seconds;
        wake += interval;

    // Next calculate the early wake offset so that we can wake in the minimum amount of time before
    // the next publish in order to minimize time spent in fully powered operation
    auto t_conn = (uint32_t)_sleep.getConfigConnectingTime();
    if (_sleep.isFullWakeCycle()) {
        uint32_t newEarlyWakeSec = 0;
        uint32_t lastWakeSec = (uint32_t)(context.lastWakeMs + 500) / 1000; // Round ms to s
        if (lastWakeSec >= MiscSleepWakeSec) {
            lastWakeSec -= MiscSleepWakeSec;
        uint32_t wakeToLockDurationSec = 0;
        int32_t publishVariance = 0;

        if (_firstLockSec == 0) {
            wakeToLockDurationSec = t_conn;
        else {
            wakeToLockDurationSec = _firstLockSec - lastWakeSec;

        publishVariance = (int32_t)_last_location_publish_sec - (int32_t)_monotonic_publish_sec;

        newEarlyWakeSec = wakeToLockDurationSec + publishVariance + 1;
        if (newEarlyWakeSec > t_conn) {
            newEarlyWakeSec = t_conn;
        _nextEarlyWake = _earlyWake = newEarlyWakeSec;
    else {  // Not in full wake (modem on)
        _nextEarlyWake = (_earlyWake == 0) ? t_conn : _earlyWake;

    // If the interval and early adjustments puts the wake time in the past then
    // spoil the next sleep attempt and stay awake.
    if (wake > _nextEarlyWake)
        wake -= _nextEarlyWake;

    TrackerSleepError wakeRet = _sleep.wakeAtSeconds(wake);

    if (wakeRet == TrackerSleepError::TIME_IN_PAST) {
        wake = 0; // Force cancelled sleep

    Log.trace("TrackerLocation: last=%lu, interval=%ld, wake=%u", _last_location_publish_sec, interval, wake);

// The purpose of this callback is to alert us that sleep has been cancelled by another task or improper wake settings.
void TrackerLocation::onSleepCancel(TrackerSleepContext context) {


// This callback will alert us that the system is just about to go to sleep.  This is past of the point
// of no return to cancel the pending sleep cycle.
void TrackerLocation::onSleep(TrackerSleepContext context) {

// This callback will be called immediately after wake from sleep and allows us to figure out if the network interface
// is needed and enable it if so.
void TrackerLocation::onWake(TrackerSleepContext context) {
    // Allow capturing of the first lock instance
    _firstLockSec = 0;

    auto result = evaluatePublish();

    if (result.networkNeeded) {
        Log.trace("%s needs to start the network", __FUNCTION__);
    else {
        // Put in our vote to shutdown early
        _sleep.extendExecutionFromNow(EarlySleepSec, true);

    // Ensure the loop runs immediately
    _loopSampleTick = 0;

void TrackerLocation::onSleepState(TrackerSleepContext context) {
    switch (context.reason) {
        case TrackerSleepReason::STATE_TO_CONNECTING: {
            Log.trace("%s starting GNSS", __FUNCTION__);

        case TrackerSleepReason::STATE_TO_SHUTDOWN: {
            Log.trace("%s stopping GNSS for shutdown", __FUNCTION__);

GnssState TrackerLocation::loopLocation(LocationPoint& cur_loc) {
    static GnssState lastGnssState = GnssState::OFF;
    GnssState currentGnssState = GnssState::ON_LOCKED_STABLE;

    LocationStatus locStatus;

    do {
        if (!locStatus.powered) {
            currentGnssState = GnssState::OFF;

        if (LocationService::instance().getLocation(cur_loc) != SYSTEM_ERROR_NONE)
            currentGnssState = GnssState::ERROR;

        if (!cur_loc.locked) {
            currentGnssState = GnssState::ON_UNLOCKED;

        if (!cur_loc.stable) {
            currentGnssState = GnssState::ON_LOCKED_UNSTABLE;

        float radius;
        if (radius) {
            bool outside;
            LocationService::instance().isOutsideRadius(outside, cur_loc);
            if (outside) {
    } while (false);

    // Detect GNSS locked changes
    if ((currentGnssState == GnssState::ON_LOCKED_STABLE) &&
        (currentGnssState != lastGnssState)) {

        // Capture the time that the first lock out of sleep happened
        if (_firstLockSec == 0) {
            _firstLockSec = System.uptime();

        // Only publish with "lock" trigger when not sleeping and when enabled to do so
        if (_sleep.isSleepDisabled() && config_state.lock_trigger) {

    lastGnssState = currentGnssState;

    return currentGnssState;

void TrackerLocation::buildPublish(LocationPoint& cur_loc) {
        LocationService::instance().setWayPoint(cur_loc.latitude, cur_loc.longitude);

    CloudService &cloud_service = CloudService::instance();
    if (cur_loc.locked)
        cloud_service.writer().name("time").value((unsigned int) cur_loc.epochTime);
        cloud_service.writer().name("lat").value(cur_loc.latitude, 8);
        cloud_service.writer().name("lon").value(cur_loc.longitude, 8);
            // Customized to remove fields of no use on fishing vessels
            //cloud_service.writer().name("alt").value(cur_loc.altitude, 3);
            //cloud_service.writer().name("hd").value(cur_loc.heading, 2);
            //cloud_service.writer().name("spd").value(cur_loc.speed, 2);
            cloud_service.writer().name("h_acc").value(cur_loc.horizontalAccuracy, 3);
            //cloud_service.writer().name("v_acc").value(cur_loc.verticalAccuracy, 3);
    for(auto cb : locGenCallbacks)
        cb(cloud_service.writer(), cur_loc);
        std::lock_guard<RecursiveMutex> lg(mutex);
        for (auto trigger : _pending_triggers) {
    }"%.*s", cloud_service.writer().dataSize(), cloud_service.writer().buffer());

void TrackerLocation::loop() {
    // The rest of this loop should only sample as fast as necessary
    if (millis() - _loopSampleTick < LoopSampleRate)
    _loopSampleTick = millis();

    // First take care of any retry attempts of last loc
    if (location_publish_retry_str[0] != '\0' && Particle.connected())
    {"retry failed publish");

    // Assign these now to prevent skipping initialization error
    // on goto during homeport evaluation
    GnssState locationStatus;
    EvaluationResults publishReason; 

    // Gather current location information and status
    LocationPoint cur_loc;
    // Gather current location information and status
    locationStatus = loopLocation(cur_loc);

    // If stable, locked, accurate save for public access
    if (cur_loc.stable && cur_loc.horizontalAccuracy < LAST_STABLE_LOC_MAX_ACCURACY) _last_stable_loc = cur_loc;
    bool publishNow = false;

    // Process location publish block callbacks
    for (auto cb : locPubBlockCallbacks) {
        // If any of the callbacks return true, reset the monotonic counter to the current uptime - 
        // this prevents a flood of publishes each second after tracker returns to the normal publish rate
        // when the monotonic "catches up" by adding the max publish interval to monotonic each
        // publish until the monotonic is > the uptime. Then skip publish evaluation but publish any cached 
        // points if they exist, such that the cache continues to upload even if publishes are being blocked
        if(cb(_last_location_publish_sec, cur_loc)) {
            _monotonic_publish_sec = System.uptime();
            goto publish_cache;

    // Perform interval evaluation
    publishReason = evaluatePublish(); 

    // This evaluation may have performed earlier and determined that no network was needed.  Check again
    // because this loop may overlap with required network operations.
    if (!_sleep.isFullWakeCycle() && publishReason.networkNeeded) {

    //                                   : NONE      TIME        TRIG        IMM
    //                                    ----------------------------------------
    // GnssState::OFF                       NA       PUB         PUB         PUB
    // GnssState::ON_UNLOCKED               NA       WAIT        WAIT        PUB
    // GnssState::ON_LOCKED_UNSTABLE        NA       WAIT        WAIT        PUB
    // GnssState::ON_LOCKED_STABLE          NA       PUB         PUB         PUB

    switch (publishReason.reason) {
        case PublishReason::NONE: {
            // If there is nothing to do then break, to possibly go into publishing
            // cached publishes if they exist.

        case PublishReason::TIME: {
            switch (locationStatus) {
                case GnssState::ON_LOCKED_STABLE: {
                    Log.trace("publishing from max interval");
                    publishNow = true;

                case GnssState::OFF:
                // fall through
                case GnssState::ON_UNLOCKED:
                // fall through
                case GnssState::ON_LOCKED_UNSTABLE: {
                    if (!publishReason.lockWait) {
                        Log.trace("publishing from max interval after waiting");
                        publishNow = true;
                    Log.trace("waiting for stable GNSS lock for max interval");

        case PublishReason::TRIGGERS: {
            switch (locationStatus) {
                case GnssState::ON_LOCKED_STABLE: {
                    Log.trace("publishing from triggers");
                    publishNow = true;
                    _newMonotonic = true;

                case GnssState::OFF:
                // fall through
                case GnssState::ON_UNLOCKED:
                // fall through
                case GnssState::ON_LOCKED_UNSTABLE: {
                    if (!publishReason.lockWait) {
                        Log.trace("publishing from triggers after waiting");
                        publishNow = true;
                        _newMonotonic = true;
                    Log.trace("waiting for stable GNSS lock for triggers");

        case PublishReason::IMMEDIATE: {
            Log.trace("publishing from immediate");
            _pending_immediate = false;
            publishNow = true;
            _newMonotonic = true;

    // Perform publish of location data if requested

    // then of any new publish
    if(publishNow && ( config_state.offline_storage || Particle.connected() ) )
        if(location_publish_retry_str[0] != '\0')
  "freeing unsuccessful retry");
            // retried attempt not completed in time for new publish
            // drop and issue callbacks
            issue_location_publish_callbacks(CloudServiceStatus::TIMEOUT, NULL, location_publish_retry_str);
            location_publish_retry_str[0] = '\0';
        }"publishing now...");
        pendingLocPubCallbacks = locPubCallbacks;
        _last_location_publish_sec = System.uptime();
        if ((_first_publish && !_pending_first_publish) || _newMonotonic)
            _monotonic_publish_sec = _last_location_publish_sec;
            _newMonotonic = false;
            _monotonic_publish_sec += (uint32_t)config_state.interval_max_seconds;

        // Prevent flooding of first publishes when there are no acknowledges.
        if (!config_state.process_ack && _first_publish) {
            _first_publish = false;


        // There may be a delay between the first event being published and an acknowledgement
        // from the cloud.  This leads to multiple event publishes meant to be the first publish.
        if (_first_publish && !_pending_first_publish) {
            _pending_first_publish = true;
    // If there are no publishes, check for cached points to send to the cloud
    if(!publishNow && Particle.connected()) {
        // Disable reset before accessing file system
        struct stat buf;
        if(stat(TRACKER_LOCATION_OFFLINE_STORAGE_FILE, &buf) == 0 && buf.st_size > 2) {
            // If OTA firmware updates enabled, disable until the cache is uploaded
            if (System.updatesEnabled()) System.disableUpdates();
            Log.trace("Publishing a cached loc. File size is %ld bytes", buf.st_size);
            if (getLocationFromFile() == SYSTEM_ERROR_NONE) location_publish();
        } else {
            // The cache is empty, enable OTA updates if they are disabled
            if (!System.updatesEnabled()) System.enableUpdates();
        // Enable reset now that file access complete

@rkast4321, I figured out why the offline caching is causing TrackerOnes to SOS. It is caused by a bug in littleFS flash file management library used in deviceOS, where when truncating a large file truncating begins in the wrong block. I am able to reproduce the SOS error at will as well, which was really helpful for figuring this out. Given this is much larger bug then just this offline caching use case, I started a fresh thread in the firmware category here

You can set up your trackers to recover from this error when it occurs using the System.resetReason() method referenced above as the first line in setup(), but will need remove the STARTUP macro - if Tracker::startup(); is called, when attempting to load the saved configuration settings from a corrupt file system, the device will SOS.


Amazing work, I appreciate you running this all to a ground with a distinct root cause. I’ve done what you suggested to ensure crash recovery for the meantime and it gave me a couple good best practices overall for recovering from crashes. I’ll be interested to see how things progess in the new thread.

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@rkast4321, if you haven’t seen this was fixed in deviceOS 3.2.0

Awesome! I’ll begin working on getting my fleet updated!