Resetting particle tracker one - unable to connect to cloud

My tracker one (US model) is not publishing data to the cloud even though it shows a “blue dot” that indicates cloud connectivity.

I am unable to reset or ping it via console. In addition, the diagnostics check via console indicates “1 failure” but doesn’t call out the specifics.

Finally, I don’t see a reset button on the Tracker One for a hard reset.

Looking for guidance on how to get it connected back to cloud.


Is it the blue GNSS LED you’re seeing? That indicates the GNSS (GPS) has a location lock.

The cloud status LED is usually off, blinking, or on, typically yellow or green.

In any case, the first thing to try is resetting the device. This is easiest over USB using the Particle CLI.

particle usb reset

Hi Rajesh,

I was in the same situation earlier this week. The way I got it to work was by following the instructions here to flash the tracker firmware, namely:

Getting the Tracker Edge Firmware
The Tracker Edge firmware can be downloaded from Github:

You will probably want to use the command line as there are additional commands you need to run after cloning the source:

git clone 
cd tracker-edge
git submodule update --init --recursive
Open Particle Workbench.
From the command palette, Particle: Import Project.
Run Particle: Configure Workspace for Device, select version 1.5.4-rc.1, 2.0.0-rc.3, or later, Tracker, and your device.
Run Particle: Flash application (local).

reset button: you need to open the tracker (oh, I did not know the particle usb reset command mentioned in the post above).

Good luck!

You may be running into a bug addressed in this commit.

This will be wrapped up in a v11 release in the very near future.

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