Toolchain for Windows Installer

I’ve been out of touch with this for quite a while, but I see that people still use this, so I thought I’d update it some (while procrastinating PhD writing :-P). I’ve split the installer into two parts now, as the CLI and Toolchain are really quite independent. So, notes on the goods:

  • For everything, install defaults to C:\Particle
  • CLI Installer
    • Source
    • basically just installs NodeJS, the CLI itself, DFU-util, and downloads Zadig for your driver replacement pleasure. Puts everything in %InstallDir%\Tools\
  • Toolchain Installer
  • Source
  • Components:
    • Toolchain (GCC arm 4.9.3 right now, as 5 was giving trouble) and build tools (Includes make for windows, and mingw)
    • Git
    • Netbeans, with JDK and a NB project ready to go

Some other notes:

  • Tested with Win7 and Win10 blank virtual machines, so YMMV with other programs already installed.
  • I removed the default setup for the Netbeans compiler setup, as different versions of Netbeans kept screwing it up and it was easier to make a video showing the process (Note: May need to switch “Tool Collection Family” to Cygwin)
  • Cygwin may not be needed in Windows 7 for a successful build. Also, if you want to just build on Win10 without Cygwin, you may have to run a MSYS shell to be able to build successfully. I was getting an error in the CRC32 call in the build.