Since my favorite dashboard, Freeboard, has finally decided to require payment, it was time to look for another free dashboard. We found Thingsboard, which is open source and Apache licensed. The examples I found used MQTT to upload data. Using their example code, along with the PubSub library code, and a little tweaking to make it work in the Photon world, I’m now able to begin re-creating the weather and environmental dashboards I had before. Right now it’s just uploading temp and humidity, but it appears the graphing options are substantially better in Thingsboard.
Hey thanks for replying …Yea the particle code …I’ve been fighting with it for 4 days …I’m able to use MQTT to post to the things board and curl as well from different computers but I’m not getting anything out of particle we need to do a direct connection to particle and post really fast …Any help you can provide would be fantastic
It works great thank you very much I am going to publish an article using your code ,on when I do Ill give you the Link,Ill give due where its due …
Right now I’m using Node red to subscribe to the Published topic and then using functions but Im going to switch over to MQTT and the Things board …Try to get responses a bit quicker on the switch side of things…maybe publish both ways …
This looked exactly what I need since I want to use Thingsboard, but as a novice with all this and what with the above comments could you enlighten me as to this project.
It worked for jade7272 and then Syrinxtech said it’s not using MQTT, but the code I copied has MQTT bits in it.
The code linked above should work fine with TB - you need to install your own TB server or use the demo one, add a device in TB. Make sure its using an access token credential. Put this token into the definition.
Flash to your device and then open the telemetry tab on the device record in TB and watch for data …