I have been having touble after flashing code to my photon. The device will go into safe mode (breathing magenta red and blue). Some times the issue will resolve itself and the divice will go to breathing cyan, but the code insnt responsive. And every once in a while it will go to rapidly flashing green after the orange,
Another issue I am having is happening when i press the RESET button while the device is breathing magenta. The device will continually flash cyan and blink orange intermittently. This same issues from This Post. The issue seemed to have resolved itself for a while, and i found a work around using particle update
from the terminal CLI. But it has now come back with a vengeance.
If I let the device sit for a while it will breathe cyan eventually but the code is still unresponsive.
I am trying to flash the onboard led using the Blynk app, heres my code:
// This #include statement was automatically added by the Particle IDE.
#include <blynk.h>
char auth[] = "**OMITTED**";
void setup() {
void loop() {;
What I have tried;
- particle update/ flash tinker
This works to temporarily but issues arise when flashing any other code
-npm -g particle update cli
-particle keys doctor
-flashing different apps
any insight is greatly apprecitaed