Spark doesn't trigger IFTTT

Hi everyone:

I’m trying to implement this tutorial: Beginner Tutorial: IFTTT - Monitor a Device Status Trigger

So I tried a simple recipe: IF my Core goes online, THEN send me an email. But the recipe never gets triggered. I know it’s such a simple problem but I’ve been battling with this all night and nowhere near the solution.

My Core is “breathing cyan” and seems to be working ok. Does anyone have an idea of what might be wrong?

PD: I’m from Costa Rica so I know some channels from IFTTT are useless for me, but I don’t think that’s the case here)

If you look at the logs for that recipe, does it say that it was triggered?

Maybe the recipe wasn't triggered at all.
It fires when the state changes.

This Trigger fires when your device changes states (i.e. when it goes online or offline.) Useful for detecting the power is out, when the internet is down, or when your Spark device sleeps much of the time.

If your core is on and working normally, no state is changed. You need to power it off and then on again to get that trigger.


Hi @kennethlimpc and @dial . No, it says it was never triggered and well, yes, I powered it on and off to test it. I also tested if it would trigger when the device went offline but that didn’t work either.

Can you try reconnecting the :spark: channel on IFTTT? :smile:

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Hi @vlvrd,

Hmm, I checked the database and I can’t find any attempts from IFTTT to check that trigger on that device of yours. Can you make sure the channel is authorized, and you’ve saved the recipe? Can you post the log from that recipe, or the recipe id?
