Spark App OS Support

Do you need an app (Spark App) to connect the Spark Core to the network/cloud? If so, I wonder which platforms will it support, i.e iOS, Android, Windows, Symbian?

Hi @nubi - yes you need an app to connect the Spark Core to your network using Smart Config, TI’s easy set up process. The app will be for iOS and Android; TI also has their own Java app that should work on other platforms like Windows.

You can also hard code a Wi-Fi network into the Spark Core by downloading firmware to it over USB, but that’s not quite as easy as the above method.

We can’t support Windows Phone because TI hasn’t released Smart Config for that platform.

Will there be an API for iOS/Android we can use within our own app to create the connection?

Oh, nevermind, smartconfig IS the tool to use.

ok sir
sir if you have template for android app to create android application with easy method to make little modification in this template to upload custom app as we like
or in your plan like this
or you can make plan to this in android and ios
i think this is good idea

Hey @ahmed - we will be releasing an open source template app that you can modify and use with your own product or project.


very good when ???

It’ll be available by the time we deliver the Spark Core at the beginning of November

Hello Zach,

Is this open source template available yet? If it is, can you point me where to download?
I also want to know when are you releasing the private cloud code, as these two things are crucial for my developing.

Thank you

Ok about the IOS app… will TI WiFi SMARTCONFIG app work for configuring a spark core? If so I will get there source code instead.

Thanks again

Hey @Leo,

Sorry about the slow response. – Yes you can use the TI SmartConfig app to configure the wifi details on the core. Just make sure the aes key is “sparkdevices2013”, and that little bubble thing is checked, and the device name is “CC3000”. :smile:
