[SOLVED]Error 500 on verify (Web IDE)


For the past few days I have not been able verify code using the browser ID. I have tried logging out/back in, resetting my access token and using the Clear Cache button. I have created a dummy app and tried verifying and get the following error:

Any ideas?

Thank you


Could you try a different browser? The IDE is working for me.

I am using Chrome just fine for last year or so. I have just tried safari and the same issue/error. Details from the POST call:

        https://api.particle.io/v1/apps/570e14ce72f2e6d99800008d/binaries 500 (Internal Server Error)

I will contact Particle directly as requested in the error message.

I reflashed the firmware (0.5.0) for this specific device and now all works fine again.