SoftAP rejects my wifi password always

Hi @plusmartin

Hhm.... I am not 100% sure what type of information you want? In my opinion, probably going forward Gen3 devices, so Argon for WiFi and Boron for cellular, is the way to go. I enjoy working with Photons due to the smaller footprint. In your case, using an Argon as apposed to the Photon might help due to the higher RAM spec * 256KB RAM vs * 128KB RAM. Having said that I am using SoftAP on Photons and have no had any problems so far. Gen3 devices will also give you the option to use BLE as apposed to SoftAp. I have not done this before but maybe someone with more experience in this can help.

Sure, are you using OSx or Windows? I am using OSx do here is is what I did.

  1. Download the four files I mentioned form Github. Make sure to download both Part1 and Part2 for photon firmware.
  2. Install and update Particle CLI on you computer
  3. On OSx... open Terminal (or CLI in workbench)
  4. Connect device to you USB port
  5. Make sure devices is in DFU mode (flashing yellow)
  6. In terminal type: particle flash --usb and then simply drag the downloaded files into the terminal (one by one) window. It will automatically enter te file name and path. The device should remain in DFU mode after each flash, unlike Particle Doctor.
  7. Hit Enter. When done, repeat with the next file, in this order:

You should see something like below:
