Setting webhooks: subscribe error

Hi all!

I am having an hard time setting up webhooks. I thought the issue was related to the API provider ( but I get the same error when using


particle webhook GET get_weather


Failed to create, server said  subscribe error - Error: Too many open files
Potentially unhandled rejection [1] {"ok":false,"msg":"create-response","error":"subscribe error - Error: Too many open files"} (WARNING: non-Error used)

Any ideas? Thx!

ping @Dave, Do we need to handle that in CLI as well?

Hi @letmecraft,

I fixed an issue in the last few hours that was causing some requests / responses from the webhooks service to report “too many open files”. But it should be fixed now, can you give it another try and let me know if that works for you now?


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Hello @Dave, sorry for this late late reply.

And thanks! Webhook creation works like a charm! Usage seems pretty erratic thought.
If I look at the dashboard activity, it had to publish 3 times before getting one response.

Is it because other users were using the same domain?
Otherwise do you know what the problem could be?

Hi @letmecraft,

Thanks for sharing your observations! I don’t see any obvious rate limiting or other issues at that time, but this is helpful, I’ll keep working on tracking this down! :slight_smile:
