I am trying to replicate the the weather example from the webhook doc page (http://docs.spark.io/webhooks/) but something’s going wrong. PS I’m a beginner so go easy please.
Using the CLI I entered this command (copied and pasted from the example page)
spark webhook GET get_weather http://w1.weather.gov/xml/current_obs/KMSP.xml
This doesn’t work. I just get a list of commands I can try instead of the success message. I assume that’s because it’s missing the “create” command, right? What am I doing wrong?? Thanks!
The “GET” command is brand new! Make sure you’re using the latest version of the spark-cli with:
npm update -g spark-cli
hmm, I’m not seeing this deployed like I expected… checking…
edit: looks like this was left out of the CLI, my mistake! I’ve pushed those commands, and hopefully we’ll have an update deployed soon. Sorry about that!
Thanks @BDub this is awesome. For some reason now I’m receiving a timeout message no matter how I try to create the webhook. Is there something wrong with the service?