Robotics Curriculum

@ScruffR @peekay123 and any others, if you can think of anything I have missed with my Robotics Curriculum please leave a note. I have taught this once at the High School level and it went very well.

Robotics Curriculum

  1. Electrical Safety: (Batteries, Charging, Storage, Capacitors, General Safety)
  2. Electric Circuits: (Ohm’s Law, Kirchoff’s Law, Circuit Diagram’s Current Flow, Series, Parallel, Power)
  3. Circuit Components: (Resistors, Diodes, Transistors, Coils, Capacitors, Integrated Circuits)
  4. Connecting Circuits: (Labs connecting simple circuits. I use a breadboard and SNAP 750)
  5. Microprocessors: (Research these, there is always something new)
  6. Photon: (Max Total Current, Max Votage, Pin Max Current, PINS, Modes, etc)
  7. RobotC programming: (Variables, setup, loop, for, if, arrays, digital/analog read/write)
  8. Wifi Connectivity (Online IDE, Web page connectivity, Phonegap, IFTTT, Google Drive)
  9. Sensors (Digital, Analog, Voltage Dividers, Serial)
  10. Actuators/Motors: (Servo, DC, Stepper Motors, Motor Drivers)
  11. Serial Communication (I2C, Uart, SPI, other)
  12. Include files ( pre-made IDE LIbrary, Porting From Arduino)
  13. Advanced topics: (Websockets, Special Sensors, Multiple Sensors, etc)
  14. Practice final project using the SNAP 750 circuits
  15. Final Project Design: (Diagram, purchasing, sensors, motors, connectivity, frame)
  16. Final Project Build:

@rocksetta, the only thing I can see that might be too advanced is mechanical system behavior. Item 10 covers the motors, etc. but it seems you would also need to cover things like torque, control principles, etc. It would not need to be super engineering mathematical type stuff but more like “here are the challenges you will be working to solve”. And those solutions include acceleration ramping, blah, blah blah. It would be cool to understand the things they will be observing in their projects. My two cents worth :wink:

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