@ScruffR @peekay123 and any others, if you can think of anything I have missed with my Robotics Curriculum please leave a note. I have taught this once at the High School level and it went very well.
Robotics Curriculum
- Electrical Safety: (Batteries, Charging, Storage, Capacitors, General Safety)
- Electric Circuits: (Ohm’s Law, Kirchoff’s Law, Circuit Diagram’s Current Flow, Series, Parallel, Power)
- Circuit Components: (Resistors, Diodes, Transistors, Coils, Capacitors, Integrated Circuits)
- Connecting Circuits: (Labs connecting simple circuits. I use a breadboard and SNAP 750)
- Microprocessors: (Research these, there is always something new)
- Particle.io Photon: (Max Total Current, Max Votage, Pin Max Current, PINS, Modes, etc)
- RobotC programming: (Variables, setup, loop, for, if, arrays, digital/analog read/write)
- Wifi Connectivity (Online IDE, Web page connectivity, Phonegap, IFTTT, Google Drive)
- Sensors (Digital, Analog, Voltage Dividers, Serial)
- Actuators/Motors: (Servo, DC, Stepper Motors, Motor Drivers)
- Serial Communication (I2C, Uart, SPI, other)
- Include files ( pre-made Pariticle.io IDE LIbrary, Porting From Arduino)
- Advanced topics: (Websockets, Special Sensors, Multiple Sensors, etc)
- Practice final project using the SNAP 750 circuits
- Final Project Design: (Diagram, purchasing, sensors, motors, connectivity, frame)
- Final Project Build: