RGB Pixel Clock Kit (Maker Faire 2016)

All I need is to modify the library and get a long “corner-to-corner” connector which is another story.

Should be pretty easy to find a 16-pin IDC cable: https://www.amazon.ca/s/ref=nb_sb_noss/134-5881422-4725914?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=idc+16+pin

If you want to make your own custom length, the cable and connectors aren't that expensive, and though you could buy a special tool to compress the connector, a vice works just fine.

Also consider using a short cable and just adding the "folded" second panel upside down. SmartMatrix Library supports Z-shaped and C-shaped chaining (referring to the shape of the path the data travels through the panels and cable for each row).

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