@peekay123 Just tested this multiple times and as VIN drops from 5V to 3V, current goes up on VIN from 76mA to 112mA. Below 3.6V on VIN, the 3V3 output starts to drop out of regulation at 3.3V. Despite this, the STM32 and Broadcom radio will still operate. At 3.28V on VIN, 3V3 is 3.0V; this is the minimum spec for the PØ/P1. However, the STM32 will operate below this, so if Wi-Fi is off, this should still be considered ok. That said, the Broadcom radio will maintain a Wi-Fi connection with VIN at 3.0V (3V3 is 2.7V at this point). The RGB LED will noticeably dim. Code will stop executing at approximately 1.8V on 3V3 which is 2.2V on VIN. Nothing was damaged dropping this VIN voltage repeatedly.