Reset Pin on Particle Muon Carrier Board

Hello everyone,

I've been rading through the documentation for the Muon carrier board (Muon datasheet | Reference | Particle), but I can´t find out which pin on the expansion connector can be pulled low to trigger a reset. Am I overseeing any spot on the documentation? Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

You cannot reset the M-SoM from the 40-pin expansion connector.

The expansion card cannot reset the M-SoM mainly because the expansion connector is mapped to GPIO for compatibility with Raspberry Pi HATs and reset can't be used as GPIO.


Thank you @rickkas7 for the clarification.

Isn't there any additional connector on the carrier board to trigger an external reset? I’m quite surprised by this design choice.

I plan to enclose the carrier board in a plastic case, where it should be possible to reset the device using an external button. This design choice complicates that implementation, as there is no straightforward way to trigger a reset externally.

Thanks again for your insights.

For your use case what I would do is use the 2x5 JTAG debug connector. You can make a small cable with the matching plug on one end, and on the other end wires that attach to your external switch that connects the /RESET and GND pins together when pressed.