M-series breaking changes?

Good folks,
At this point with Muons rolling out (ex, Sep betas ahead of Nov deliveries), any ideas if or what peripherals, interfaces, and pinouts may change?

In other words, what's a stable point to say 'the B-series to M-series' migration guide holds firm (for the m.2 format), and not a risk of redoing layouts?
Or maybe, what is subject to change (most probable to least probable)?

There will be pinout changes on the 40-pin Pi expansion connector after the current beta (v5) version of the Muon, so avoid using that version if you are designing an expansion card/hat.

The M404 and M524 M-SoM on the Muon are GA, however. Anything that's part of the M-SoM and not the Muon should not change. The preiminary banner no longer exists on the migration guides to M-SoM.

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As I wait for the Muon board to be delivered, I've been searching for more details about the pinout of the expansion connector. I found information suggesting that it is compatible with Raspberry Pi system, but after reading your post, I'm wondering if this is still accurate. Is there a resource I can follow to get updates on any planned changes?

The 40-pin expansion connector is compatible with the Raspberry Pi.

The reason for the change warning is not that the connector will change, per se, but a few of the mappings between M.2 SoM GPIO and I/O Expander GPIO and the Pi expansion pins will change. This is being done for greater compatibility with existing hats.

Once the next version of the expansion connector is ready, additional information will be added to the Muon datasheet.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Muon M404 Getting Started Example Please