I am wondering which chips should be used for my final year project, raspberry pi or particle photon? It’s a home automation system. Can you tell me which one is easy to complete my project. because now i am struggling to choose one chip? Another thing is i found that it is very hard to find the learning resources about particle photon. can anyone recommend some books or other materials?
Thank you!
Have you tried the omniscient Google?
Particle Photon Book
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Can you tell us more about what you want to build so that we can have a clearer picture before giving our inputs? 
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I will definitely recommend particle for home automation. Thats the stuff this thing was designed for. Now if you want to display things on a monitor then go with raspberry pi but for light switch and other simple tasks use a photon. Like @kennethlimcp said if you tell us what the project’s about we can help you get you on your feet.